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Logo Miami Beach Bowl迈阿密海滩杯标志上的两棵绿色棕榈树看起来很酷,很前卫。它们用令人担忧的线条连接起来,在海绿色风格的徽章顶部组成了一个矩形框架,放在徽章的左侧,蓝色无衬线字体写在右侧,在光滑的浅米色背景上100 . word mark的每个单词都位于一条蓝色的水平细线上,类似于学校的练习册。徽章看起来超级酷,很独特。


Logo Placerville加利福尼亚州城市普莱瑟维尔的标志包含了一棵树的一部分,色彩丰富,细节丰富。它是树干底部的碎片,有一个长树枝,从它的左边出来,还有两个小树枝,从它的右边出来。树被画在圆形徽章的背景上,以穿红衬衫的男人为中心元素。中间的圆形被包围在一个厚厚的蓝色圆形框架中,有一个橙色的轮廓,风格像一条绳子,还有一个同样橙色的大胆华丽的铭文,用衬线字体设置,让人想起老西部片。


Logo MicronPCcom Bowl

我们列表中的另一个足球杯游戏是MicronPCcomBowl .其明亮多汁的标志包含各种色调和符号,包括两棵绿色和橙色的棕榈树,放置在带有标志的拱形红色丝带上方,并向两侧倾斜。棕榈树伴随着黄色的太阳,放置在它们之间,形成强烈的颜色对比。徽章的底部有一个水平放置的橄榄球,以条纹绿色为背景,还有一个带有白色"杯"的蓝色横幅,沿底线设置,从中心呈拱形。




Logo Stanford University斯坦福大学是世界上最著名的教育机构之一,它的标志设计在平静和黑暗的调色板中,元素最少,但有一种强烈和自信的情绪。该大学的徽章由一个实心的酒红色字母" S "组成,采用几何无衬线字体,轮廓为白色和酒红色,并有一棵高大的绿树,与字母在其中心垂直线重叠。 logo被放置在两层 logo之上,与 logo中巨大的" S "一样,用相同的酒红色书写。


Logo Bahamas Bowl另一个与树相关的体育标志是巴哈马杯的徽章。这里我们可以看到两棵大棕榈树,画在标志的上半部分,向中心倾斜。棕榈树被绘制成明亮的绿色和棕色,为这个轻盈的徽章增添了一抹亮色。树的绿色由水平横幅上的蓝色和黄色支撑,横幅上有醒目的白色字体,位于构图的中心。


Logo Mulberry以一种植物命名的奢侈时尚品牌,其标志中也有一棵树,这是合乎逻辑的。现代无衬线字体中的中粗体大写 logo设置为黑色,并伴有一个风格化的棕色标志,设置在其上方。 logo中唯一的元素是一棵棕色的树,它由一个实心的三角形树干和许多菱形叶子组成,在白色背景上彼此相隔很远。 logo看起来非常进步和时尚,使该品牌在竞争对手的名单中脱颖而出。


Logo Sanoflore

奢侈的有机护肤品品牌Sanoflore的 logo以一棵优雅的金树为主要元素。这里的树是生命和健康的象征,用渐变的金线绘制,设置在白色背景上,并被包围在一个大胆的圆形框架中。图形标志周围是金色的"自1986年以来认证的有机"字样,随后是一个放大的大写字母 logo,采用别致的无衬线字体,线条略微展开,伴随着一个精致的无衬线标语,全部大写。




Logo Malibu我们树型 logo列表中的另一个酒精品牌是马里布.该饮料的标志以一个明亮的实心圆为主要元素。在夕阳的阴影下, logo上画着两棵棕榈树,左边的比右边的大。这些树被制成两种不同的棕色,营造出日落的氛围,营造出非常优雅的构图。粗体棕色 logo在圆形上方呈拱形,以现代字体书写,在一些酒吧的末端有小衬线。




Logo Boca Raton Bowl博卡拉顿杯的徽章上也有两个帕尔马,但在这里,它们以较小的尺寸绘制在徽章的底部,并用黑色实线绘制,构成了比图像更多的轮廓。棕榈树支持黑色大写字母“杯”,放置在它们之间,在明亮的蓝色背景上,在醒目的红色“博卡拉顿”下,有一个光滑的草书字体,有一个粗黑的轮廓。整个徽章的特点是一个水平放置的橄榄球形状。


Logo Fort Myers Miracle来自佛罗里达州的棒球俱乐部的视觉 logo还包含一棵树的图像,这在迈尔斯堡奇迹的祖国中是最常见的——棕榈树。它以米色和绿色绘制,放置在醒目的白色字母" M "之上,字母" M "写在徽章中心的纯蓝背景上,徽章呈水平拉伸的椭圆形。手掌的绿色顶部从椭圆形中伸出,有蓝色和红色的双重轮廓。


Logo Carquest Bowl赛车杯是另一项校际足球比赛,于1995年在佛罗里达州举行,其视觉形象中也有一棵树的图像。同样,这棵树是一棵棕榈树。以全尺寸绘制,在光滑明亮的绿色阴影中,手掌放在标志的右边部分,被题词的蓝色和黄色字母略微重叠,题词分为两层,以巨大的几何无衬线字体执行。徽章由实心的黄色太阳装饰,放在蓝红相间的徽章后面,由四个碎片组成。


Logo Aloha Bowl在夏威夷举行的阿罗哈杯的标志上,我们可以看到两棵棕榈树,位于小沙山的左侧,位于杯徽章的中心。该图像被封闭在一个圆形框架中,由顶部的巨大彩虹和底部带有白色"夏威夷"字样的红色丝带组成。出于地理原因,这里绘制了棕榈树,以强调岛屿的热带景观,并反映出永恒的夏季情绪。


Logo St Lucie Mets佛罗里达州的棒球俱乐部圣露西梅兹的标志是一个斜向的木板,上面写着红色的草书字母,轮廓为白色,还有一个渐变的橙色圆圈,带有深蓝色的棕榈树轮廓,放在徽章右上角的横幅后面。棕榈树的颜色由日落圈的蓝色轮廓和木盘支撑标志。看起来很亮,让人记忆深刻,容易辨认。


Logo Northwoods League北伍兹联盟的徽章看起来有点幼稚和业余,但锋利的几何云杉树,放置在黑色斜体字母" N "的右侧竖条上,为构图添加了一些前卫的特征。该树以纯绿色绘制,在与字母的黑色主体重叠的区域有白色轮廓,字母由一个白色和红色的棒球支撑,从徽章的左侧飞出。 logo以传统无衬线字体的绿色斜体题字为下划线。


Logo Sunshine State Conference阳光之州会议的视觉 logo以现代盾形纹章为唯一元素。纹章采用白色、蓝色和黄色调色板,深蓝色字体写在顶部,在蓝色和黄色背景上斜画着白色棕榈树的图形元素上方。这棵树又高又大,将深蓝色的碎片与黄色的分开,由一条略呈拱形的白线支撑,将黄色的碎片与浅蓝色的分开,位于标志的底部。


Logo Athletic Bilbao在毕尔巴鄂竞技足球俱乐部的经典徽章上,我们还可以看到一棵树。它是传统绘制的,在盾的左上部分,靠近沙褐色城堡。这棵树有着浓密的黑色树干和渐变的绿色树叶,在图像的顶部形成了一个圆形。该徽章配有一面红色和白色的垂直条纹旗帜,以及一个厚厚的框架,沿着直顶和三角形底部写有俱乐部的名称。


Logo SomersbySomersby是一个苹果酒品牌的名称,由嘉士伯集团生产。由于苹果酒是由苹果制成的,这种饮料的标志包含了一棵没有果实的巨大苹果树的图像。萨默斯比徽章上的树是用几种绿色色调绘制的,带有精致的白色口音,类似于文森特梵高的名画,因为漩涡状的线条取代了树叶。这棵树被截断了,从一条光滑的略呈拱形的水平线出来,这条线覆盖了深绿色的 logo,从第二个字母上方开始,到倒数第二个字母上方结束。


Logo Saudi Arabian Airlines这家沙特阿拉伯航空公司的徽标中也有一棵金棕榈树。这棵树被画在两把交叉的军刀上,并被包围在一个不完整的同色圆形框架中。 logo精致的金色线条被右侧醒目的蓝色字体衬托得更加突出。碑文分为两层,上面是阿拉伯语的航空公司名称,下面是拉丁字母。蓝色和金色的调色板唤起了豪华体验的感觉和该公司的专业方法,它所做的一切。


Logo Kane County Cougars另一个徽章是伊利诺伊州凯恩县美洲狮队棒球俱乐部的标志,其中的树木只是作为补充元素来填充空间。纯蓝色的云杉树绘制在浅蓝色的背景上,放在一只手里拿着木制棒球棒的美洲狮的图像后面。整个作品以一个传统的顶饰为背景,带有一个灰色的厚木框,并伴随着一个醒目的草书“美洲狮”字样,以纯蓝的轮廓写在标志的底部。


Logo Cure Bowl在佛罗里达州举行的固化杯时尚的粉红色冠饰以传统的冠饰形状,顶部以黑色轮廓放大了白色字体,底部绘制了两个棕榈树的黑色小轮廓。黑色的树木不仅指向奥兰多的风景,也支撑和平衡了黑色的纹章和字体。手掌放在浅粉色背景上,上面布满极细的白线,为徽章的底部增添了和谐感和一些重量。


Logo Southampton这家来自南安普顿的足球俱乐部的视觉 logo基于一个明亮的纹章元素——一个传统的盾形纹章,由白色和红色绘制而成,水平分为两部分。这棵树被画在顶部的一个白色背景上,底部有两条蓝色波浪线。至于红色部分的冠,它的特点是一个有五个花瓣和黄色中心的白色花朵的形象。标志的顶部由一条白色和红色的条纹和一个黑色和白色的球的图像装饰,而底部由一个写有黄色标志的黑色横幅强调。


Logo Forest Essentials阿育吠陀化妆品品牌森林要素的标志强调自然的原始性和与大地的联系。该公司的徽章采用渐变金色,由一个圆形徽章组成,中间是一棵优雅的树,周围是大写字母的双层框架。圆形字体下有一个粗体标题"奢华的阿育吠陀"字样,采用传统的无衬线字体。


Logo Jurassic Park在著名的特许经营"侏罗纪公园"的标志性徽章上的树木,并不是你看到它时首先注意到的元素。黑色轮廓沿着实心红色圆形的底线绘制,在黑色的宽矩形横幅下,上面写着白色和红色的无衬线字体。标志的顶部以恐龙轮廓的纯黑图像为特色,这是标志的主要部分。至于树,这里画出它们是为了强调作品的巨大尺寸,并平衡标志上浓重的黑色阴影。


字体西北会议徽标上的云杉树是用明亮的绿色阴影中的实心抽象笔画成的,与青绿色很接近。树设置在 logo的左侧,有轮廓分明的山和蓝色的湖,放置在方形衬线字体的深灰色《NWC》缩写的上方,下方有浅色大写字母。会议的全称是用现代无衬线字体的黑色线条,这给徽章增添了进步性和个性。


Logo Timberland著名的服装和鞋类品牌天伯伦使用树的图像作为其视觉识别的主要元素。风格化的树用粗黑线绘制,轮廓和切口笔直。黑色的树被设置在白色背景上,并被包围在一个厚厚的黑色圆形框架中。 logo以略窄的衬线字体设置在标题文字 logo上方,字体线条流畅。巴拉铭文的字体

nced the straight lines of the emblem, making up a perfect composition.

Capital One Bowl

Logo Capital One BowlAnother football bowl game, which takes place in Orlando, Florida, has an image of a palm tree in its logo. The palm in the Capital One Bowl is large and dark, drawn in one shade of green, and outlined in white. The tree is set in the upper left corner of the badge, slightly behind the diagonally placed rugby ball in brown and white. The badge is complemented by a blue geometric ribbon with white lettering in different styles.


Logo MacallanThe visual identity of the famous high-end whiskey brand from Scotland, Macallan, also contains tree symbols. Two trees in gold lines are drawn at the sides of a traditional Scottish house, coin toured in black on a white background, at the top part of the logo. The image is set above the elegant two-leveled logotype in black and gold, with the uppercase serif tagline, also set in two lines. The house with the trees stands on a thin golden horizontal line, complemented with the datemark in gold.


Logo WestvleterenWestvleteren is the name of a Belgium beer brand, which was founded in the 1830s, and uses a traditional heraldic element for its visual identity. It is a white and green coat of arms in a dark gray outline, with the two crossed keys drawn on the top part, and the stylized green palm tree on the main, white part of the crest. The badge is accompanied by a gothic cursive lettering on the sides, and the name of the brand is arched under it.

National Park Service

Logo National Park ServiceThe logo of the National Park Service, the governmental organization, which is involved in the nature protection activities, is drawn in brown and green shades, with some white accents, and shows all the elements of the nature — a tall green tree, several small triangular spruce trees, a white bison, a mountain with a snowy peak and a small white lake at the right of the brown crest. The solid white lettering is written in three lines at the top part of the badge.


Logo FortniteThe black silhouettes of the trees on the logo of a famous video game, Fortnite, are just additions to the city landscape composition, drawn on a solid black circle, set behind the bold white lettering in a heavy sans-serif typeface. There are two spice trees on the left side of the badge and one young oak or another leafy tree at the very right of the logo. The central part of the emblem is taken by tall buildings with flags and antennas. As for the inscription, it features slightly narrowed letters, which have some of the bars a bit elongated, creating a jumpy image.

Dollar Tree

Logo Dollar TreeThe visual identity of the American chain of stores is based on a stylized image of the tree, with the bold black digit “1” replacing its trunk. Of course, there is no surprise to see the tree in this logo, as the name of the chain contains a direct message. The top part of the Dollar Tree emblem is composed of two fragments, formed by green stripes with white separation lines. The stripes on the left part are drawn in a lighter shade of green, while the darker element on the right is shorter than the light ones.


Logo UnileverThe iconic Unilever logo, with its massive capital “U” composed of various small elements, has all the possible symbols in it, including a palm tree. It is pretty big compared to other elements of the letter and is drawn in smooth blue lines on the left bar of the letter. Here all the details of the badge stand for diversity and a wide range of brands and products owned by the international company. While the dark blue color points to Unilever’s professionalism and trustworthiness.

Oregon State University

Logo Oregon State UniversityThe visual identity of the Oregon State University is based on historical heraldic symbols, with the emblem composed of a black-and-white coat of arms, where the thin tall tree is set in the center, dividing the crest into four fragments. The emblem is set on the left from the elegant two-leveled inscription with the “Oregon State” part set in red bold serif letters, and the “University” written under it in black, with thinner lines. All the elements of the badge, starting with its timeless color palette, and finishing with the sophisticated font, look perfectly balanced and create a confident and exquisite composition.

Citrus Bowl

Logo Citrus BowlCitrus Bowl is another annual football game, held in Florida, USA. Here the tree is drawn without a trunk, just the solid green leaves in two different shades and a bold white outline, accompanied by orange and yellow circles, standing for citrus fruits, which are also outlined in white. The image is enclosed into a circular frame and placed in the center of the badge, against a white background, accompanied by bold blue lettering on top, and a solid blue banner with the sponsor’s badge at the bottom.


Logo BradescoThe logo of the Brazilian bank has an abstract stylized tree symbol in it too. The Bradesco three has its upper part formed by two orbits, which create a spherical shape, and the trunk — by two vertical lines in different thicknesses, with the top ends cut diagonally. The whole emblem is executed in one shade of red and is placed above the lowercase inscription with the name of the company set in a bold modern sans-serif font, in the same shade of red.

Minnesota Wild

Logo Minnesota WildThe logo of the hockey club from Minnesota looks super cool and sleek. It is an intense badge in red and green, with the solid yellow Sun and a white star complementing the dark palette. There are five green spruce trees drawn on the Minnesota Wild logo, they feature identical shapes, but different sizes, with the trees getting larger from left to right, creating a perspective. All green spruce trees merge with the solid green of the badge’s bottom part, and the right tree — with the green outline of the logo.

Atletico Madrid

Logo Atletico MadridAnother Spanish football club, which has an image of a tree on its badge is Atlético Madrid. On this logo, the tree is not easily distinguished. It is drawn in bold blue lines against a white background and has a blue bear placed under it on the left. The tree has its upper part cut, merging with the solid blue outline of the smooth modern crest. The bottom part of the logo features a red and white flag with seven vertical stripes, and the upper part with the tree is surrounded by seven white five-pointed stars.


Logo LinktreeThe visual identity of Linktree, the social media landing page, also contains an image of a tree, which is more than logical, considering the name of the platform. And it’s not one tree, but three, stylized as three mouse cursors, placed vertically and set in light green, white and dark green. The white triangular tree is set between two green ones and features the smallest size. The stylish geometric composition is accompanied by a black lowercase logotype in a modest sans-serif typeface.


Logo XXXTentacionThe visual identity of the famous American rap musician XXXTENTACION is very cool and laconic, with the tree as the main element. The symbol is drawn in uneven black lines, with not a single leaf on its branches, and placed above three bold enlarged letters “X”. Here the tree is a symbol of growth and progress, showing the mood of the musician and his aims in life and music.


Logo CignaCigna is a healthcare company, which also provides insurance services, thus the tree on its logo is a symbol of life and wellbeing. The Cigna tree is drawn abstractly, with the trunk formed by two bold blue lines arched to the center and accompanied by a solid orange circle on top. This combination of elements looks like a figure of a person with his hands spread up. As for the leaves, they are colored in calm green and placed in two arched towns above the orange “head” of the trunk.


Logo ColoradoThe badge of the greenest and the most picturesque state of the USA, Colorado, also has an image of a tee on its badge. The solid green spruce is drawn in the left part of the logo, overlapped by a bold stylized “C” in red and blue, with the two triangular mountains in the negative space. The graphical emblem is placed on a white background and underlined by a bold black “Colorado” lettering set in the title case of a modern sans-serif font. The inscription is separated from the image by a thin black horizontal line.

Four Seasons

Logo Four SeasonsThe stylized black tree from the emblem of the international hotel chain, Four Seasons, is a brilliant graphical representation of the company’s name. The tree is visually divided into three fragments — the top left with the branches full of leaves, standing for the summer, the bottom left with no leaves at all — for the winter, and the right part of the tree has not too many leaves on its branches, depicting both spring and autumn. The tree is set in one color, with plain bold lines, looking very elegant and chic.


Logo PlantedThe brand with the name Planted is literally obliged to have an image of a plant in its visual identity. Here the stylized tree replaced the letter “T” in a bold green title case logotype. The inscription is set in a custom sans-serif typeface with straight cuts of the lines, while the tree features smooth rounded elements, balancing the heaviness and stability of the characters. The whole logo is set in one shade of green, bright and vivid, evoking a sense of tenderness and unity with nature.

Treetops Adventure

Logo Treetops AdventureThe tree from the logo of the Treetops Adventure is drawn in bright orange and resembles a vertically oriented cursor of the computer mouse. It is placed on the left from the orange lettering in the title case of a simple yet stable and bold sans-serif typeface. The geometric tree in this logo looks sharp and progressive, evoking a sense of professionalism and confidence in the company in its activities, and the peak of the tree stands for growth and progress.


Logo SPARThe visual identity of the German chain of grocery stores looks cool and minimalistic, although is executed in a bright color palette, containing red, green, and white. The white futuristic logotype is set on a solid red rectangular banner, which is followed by a laconic green and white emblem. The emblem features a triangular spruce tree in solid green, set on a white background and enclosed into a circular green frame. The SPAR badge looks vivid and delightful, evoking a friendly feeling and at the same time showing the company as confident and professional.

New Holland

Logo New HollandProbably, the world’s most famous manufacturer of agricultural machinery, New Holland, has a stylized tree emblem on its badge. It is drawn in blue and yellow, set against a yellow background on the left from the bold uppercase “New Holland” lettering in blue sans-serif characters. The bottom part of a horizontally oriented badge is colored in blue and contains a white medium-weight “Agriculture” tagline, set in a more traditional sans-serif typeface.


Logo AllspringAllspring is an American corporation, which has been in the financial, investment, and consulting market since the middle of the 1990s. The company uses a stylized tree image in its geometric purple and white emblem, which is set on the left of the title case sans-serif logotype in a pleasant and bright shade of purple. The Allspring tree is composed of two white triangles, placed one above the other, with the sides arched to the center.

International Paper

Logo International PaperThe world’s largest company, engaged in the production of paper, International Paper, also has a tree symbol on its badge, and it doesn’t require any explanations, as we all know, how the paper is being made. The tree here is drawn in bold geometric lines, with the top part triangular, and the trunk executed in a straight vertical line, merging with the small right triangle, while the left part of the tree has its contour open, with the bottom horizontal line removed. The sharp tree is enclosed into a circular frame and placed between the two words in the name of the company.


Logo TerrariaThe Terraria logo is all about green and brown, with the image of a tree set on the left from the stylized logotype, written in massive brown letters over a green-grass banner. The tree is executed in the same color palette as the inscription part, with a green spherical top, and two sharp branches coming out of the trunk to the sides at its bottom. The branches finish with two small green circles of leaves, supporting the top part of the tree, and balancing the wide massive trunk.

American Forests Logo

Logo American ForestsIt is more than expectable to see the tree symbols present on the logo of an organization with the name “American Forests”. But the modern style and an interesting color palette make this badge truly unique and powerful. The trees here are drawn in four levels, formed by short lines on the left and elongated on the right. Each line is set in a dark sea-green color and has the spaces between them colored in green, yellow, and turquoise on the right. The emblem is followed by a two-leveled title-case inscription in a traditional full-shaped sans-serif font, in the same shade of dark green as the main lines of the logo.


Sproutl Logo

Logo SproutlSproutl is a startup, which was founded by people; who previously worked for Farfetch, a famous fashion online store. The strip-up was created for gardeners and people, who love plants. Hence, the name of the project, formed from the “Sprout”, and its cool and modern emblem, depicts a stylized one. The logo of the platform is set in a bright and light shade of purple, with both elements colored in it flat and even, with no accents. The emblem, set on the left from the lettering, depicts a stylized sprout with two leaves stretched up from a pretty thick stem. As for the inscription, it is executed in a title case of a massive yet smooth and elegant sans-serif typeface with traditional shapes of the letters.

Caboo Logo

Logo CabooCaboo is a brand of products made for babies from organic and natural fabrics and materials, and the visual identity of the label is completely in keeping with the idea of the brand and its philosophy. The logo of Caboo is composed of a bold lowercase inscription in a fancy and playful font with slightly flared bars of the letters, smooth sides, and straight cuts of the lines. The inscription is set in dark green and has two leaves drawn at the top left part of the letter “B”, resembling bamboo, the main element of the fabrics, used by the brand for its goods.


该文《Most famous logos with a tree》来源国外“1000logos”网(https://1000logos.net/),由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。


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