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Car Brands that start with M



世界汽车工业是由许多品牌和名字以字母" m "开头的品牌所代表的,要简单完整地回答这个问题是不可能的。这些都是知名的"日本"三菱和马自达,"德国"奔驰,精英迈巴赫和"苏联"马自达。许多人在上个世纪中期就结束了他们的存在,关于他们,那些感兴趣的人可能一无所知。为此,我们建议阅读这里列出的品牌列表。



Magna Logo



Mallett Logo

马利特性能车成立于1997年,由查克和兰斯马利特,前赛车在夏洛特,北卡罗莱纳州。该公司成立的目的是生产零件和速度最快的溴化五烃季胺轻型护卫舰系列106 . C6轻巡洋舰,凯迪拉克V系列,V8至和天空,SUV阵容,开发和完成后推出。它引起了通用汽车公司的注意。该公司为自己设定的主要目标是进行改进,使汽车移动更快,更容易驾驶,制动距离最短。


March Logo



Marcos Ltd Logo

马科斯工程有限公司是一个英国跑车品牌,由贾姆马什和弗兰克科斯丁于1959年在英国凯尼尔沃思创立。它的名字来源于创始人姓氏的第一个字母。该公司位于英国贝德福德郡卢顿。1963年,它搬到了威尔特郡埃文河畔布拉德福德的一家工厂。一年后,马科斯1800 GT发布。伴随着这一成功,在韦斯特伯里附近建造了一座新工厂。1971年更名为马科斯有限公司,1981年,马科斯V6跑车发布。财务困难导致该品牌在2007年关闭。


Marmon Logo

美国汽车制造商马蒙汽车公司由霍华德卡彭特马蒙于1851年在美国印第安纳州的印第安纳波利斯创立。该品牌下的公司一直生产汽车,直到1933年与另一家公司合并并更名。最初,它生产面粉加工设备。第一辆实验车于1902年问世。该品牌最著名的车型包括Marmon 34B双座speedster 1923、Marmon系列8-69四门轿车1929年,马蒙系列16四门轿车1933。继任者是马蒙-赫灵顿。


Marussia Motors Logo



Maserati Logo

玛莎拉蒂是一个意大利汽车品牌,由阿尔菲力玛莎拉蒂于1914年在意大利博洛尼亚创立。如今,其总部位于意大利的摩德纳。该公司以其优雅、时尚、高性能和高质量的汽车而闻名。该品牌生产运动型、商务车和豪华车,已经成为成功和财富的象征。今天,它属于菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司。 logo性车型包括1959年的玛莎拉蒂200SI、鸟笼、运动型玛莎拉蒂250F、1959年年的玛莎拉蒂5000GT跑车、1989年的夏马风、四座跨界车莱万特和四门运动型轿车Quattroporte总裁系列精英版.


Mastretta Logo

现代墨西哥汽车制造商和设计工作室马斯特里塔汽车公司由设计师丹尼尔马斯特里塔于1987年创立。该品牌的总部位于墨西哥城。20世纪90年代,该公司基于1995年的大众轿车(大众1型)和小型客车底盘,以品牌名Tecnoidea和MXA大学发布了多个系列的整车。但第一款大规模生产的商用汽车是2010年发布的MXT .


Matech Concepts Logo

瑞士赛车设计和生产品牌Matech概念由马丁巴特克创立,总部位于瑞士日内瓦。在与福特赛车达成一致后,该公司开发了福特GT .与此同时,该公司参与了福特野马500法郎零部件的分销。该品牌还由Matech GT赛车队代表,该车队在2008年成为国际汽联GT3冠军。该公司于2011年停止活动。


Matra Logo



Maybach Logo

这家著名的德国汽车制造商以其创始人威廉迈巴赫的名字命名迈巴赫,自1909年以来一直为人所知。创始人为齐柏林飞艇设计引擎。1909年Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau有限公司公司在双辛烯成立齐柏林飞艇伯爵和齐柏林飞艇有限公司子公司由创始人的儿子领导。1918年战争结束后,该公司成为迈巴赫-Motorenbau有限公司,开始生产汽车,直到2013年关闭。1919年,实验性的迈巴赫W1发布,这 logo着这个品牌下豪华,高品质,舒适的汽车整个星系的开始。


Mazda Logo



Mazel Logo



Mazzanti Automobili Logo



MCA Logo

1983年,工程师兼前赛车手富尔维奥玛丽亚巴拉比奥在摩纳哥蒙特卡洛建立了自己的手工跑车生产工厂。1989年,开始生产第一辆有轨电车大旅行车(GT)超级跑车,以及随后的蜘蛛情缘敞篷车。截至2016年,该品牌的车间已经生产出60辆汽车和原型车。它的记录包括赛车和巡航汽车,包括蒙特卡洛ALA 50,MCA Centenaire V12,Carlo Chiti MonzaCodaLunga .1995年,法国Aixam Mega收购了该品牌,开发了超级蒙特卡洛V12,然后将权利归还给创始人。2014年蒙特卡洛汽车公司问世。


McLaren Logo

英国汽车公司迈凯轮(迈凯轮)由布鲁斯迈凯轮(布鲁斯麦克拉伦)于1963年创立,由同名的一级方程式赛车队演变而来。创建该公司是为了维修和改进车队的汽车,并开发他们的赛车模型和跑车。1992年,该品牌创造了第一辆公路迈凯轮F1,被称为系列发布的第一辆车,是同类中最快的。在此过程中,该公司生产了几个小规模的模型,如迈凯轮第一亲代混合动力车,迈凯轮650年代,迈凯轮极速尾巴和迈凯轮GT .


Melkus Logo





Mercedes Logo



Mercedes-AMG Logo

德国汽车品牌梅赛德斯-AMG于1967年由汉斯-维尔纳奥弗雷希特和埃哈德梅尔彻在德国阿费尔巴赫成立,是梅赛德斯-奔驰的一个部门,名为AMG .其任务是开发和生产公司的系列运动车型,以更高的性能和速度为特征,修改发动机,并生产其设计的跑车。缩写AlliedMilitaryGovernment(第二次世界大战盟军占领区的)盟国军政府是创始人名字的首字母和办公室最初所在城市格罗斯帕奇名字的首字母缩写。直到1990年,这个品牌才独立出来。2005年,关注戴姆勒-奔驰公司吸收了该公司,创造了梅赛德斯-AMG .


Mercedes-Benz Logo

梅赛德斯-奔驰是一个德国汽车品牌,也是同名的高级轻型汽车制造公司。戈特利布戴姆勒和威廉迈巴赫于1926年与戴姆勒-奔驰卡尔奔驰合并后,立即在传奇保时捷的指导下生产了压缩机梅赛德斯24/100/140 PS .随后的整个S系列都是基于这一模式。1928年,曼海姆370问世。1930年——大型梅赛德斯(梅赛德斯-奔驰770 (W07).1931年成功发布了小型车梅赛德斯170。今天,该品牌是世界第二大制造商。


Mercer Logo

美世是一个美国汽车品牌,由阿德里安哈奇于1909年在美国康涅狄格州新不列颠创立。在其短暂的存在期间(1925年关闭),它在汽车工业的历史上留下了重要的印记。罗柏林家族经营着这家公司。第一辆车是大约1910年的缩小版双座Speedster Type-35R赛车。他们的模型是1916年的美世22/72通用,1916年的大约在1917年.1919年,罗伯林的兄弟答。罗柏林二世在一次车祸中丧生。该品牌被卖给了一家华尔街公司,这家公司财务管理不善,导致其在1925年倒闭。


MG Cars Logo



Minerva Logo

比利时汽车制造公司密涅瓦由西尔万德容于1900年在比利时安特卫普成立。这是摩托车生产开始的一年。1903年,德容在贝尔切姆(安特卫普)创建了密涅瓦汽车公司,并于1904年推出了首批车型。在第一次世界大战中,敞篷车被开发用来攻击敌人。1920年,该公司开始生产民用汽车和军用路虎。30年代,该公司重组为新密涅瓦公司,34年,该公司与帝国合并。1937年,乘用车的旗舰产品——Imperia Minerva AP 22cv豪华轿车问世。二战前密涅瓦于1956年被出售并关闭。


Mitsubishi Logo


s with several new developments. In 1946, the holding company was divided into 44 separate companies. In 1960, the leading lines of Colt, Galant, Lancer, Pajero, Delica were created. In 1971, Chrysler Corporation acquired a part of the company. From 2000 to 2005 – DaimlerChrysler. In 2016, shares of the brand were acquired by Nissan.

Mitsuoka Motors

Mitsuoka Motors Logo

Mitsuoka Motors is a Japanese automobile company founded in 1968 by Toyama, Japan. The brand’s main focus is the design and manufacture of cars with a retro design in the style of the ’50s and ’60s, characteristic of British cars. The range includes Mitsuoka MC-1, Mitsuoka Convoy88 (microcars), Mitsuoka Orochi sports car, and hearse. Mitsuoka Galue, a full-size sedan; Mitsuoka Ryugi, a mid-size group sedan; Mitsuoka Viewt, a subcompact model; Mitsuoka Himiko roadster and Mitsuoka Like-T3, an electric micro-tricycle, are being developed or prepared for release today.


Mobsteel Logo

Mobsteel is a small automotive design and construction company located in Detroit, Michigan, US. Mobsteel’s main activity is aftermarket remodeling and creating custom cars, restoring classics and automotive antiques with achievements of modern technologies. The founder of the company is Adam Genei, who, together with his wife Pam Genei, created and breathed a soul into the enterprise. It all started with his hobby in the garage, turning the enterprise into a world-renowned brand.


Monteverdi Logo

The Swiss car brand Monteverdi in Binningen can trace its history back to 1951 when its founder, Rosolino Monteverdi, assembled his first car from the car factory of his father, Peter Monteverdi. The brand was registered in 1967 to sell cars of TM Rolls-Royce, BMW, and Lancia, already being an official dealer of Ferrari. But a quarrel with the Enzo Ferrari prompted them to make his own Monteverdi GT 375, which produced only four copies. In 1970, the Monteverdi Hai 450 exhibition sports car was developed. In 1976, production was closed.

Moretti SpA

Moretti SpA Logo

The Italian car company Moretti Motor Company was founded in 1925 by Giovanni Moretti in Turin, Italy. The brand ceased to exist in 1989. The company has created many vehicles of different types and model ranges during its existence. Microcars and commercial cars were produced, electric trucks and 5- and 7-passenger cars. After the war, the company was reoriented to conventional cars, Moretti Cita and Moretti 600. The Moretti 750 Grand Sport Berlinetta of 1954 became particularly famous and the Fiat Moretti Sportiva.


Morgan Logo

The company from the UK – Morgan Motor Company, is known for producing limited edition luxury sports cars with the original design. Founded in 1909 by Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan in Malvern. The first Morgan Runabout car was a three-wheeler. The Morgan 3-Wheeler became famous, which in the updated version has been produced since 2011. In 1915 the founder personally collected a family 4-seater based on the first one. The model was considered a sports car. The four-wheeler Morgan appeared in 1936. Particularly famous products of the brand include the 1974 Morgan 4, the Morgan 4/4, a two-seat roadster, the Morgan Aero Supersports, and the 2012 Morgan Eva GT.


Morris Logo

Morris Motors Limited has been a British automaker since 1912, founded by William Morris as WRM Motors Limited to make bicycles. In 1913, a car factory was opened where they assembled the two-seat Morris Oxford “Bullnose” from off-the-shelf parts from various manufacturers. In 1915, the four-seat Morris Cowley was produced. The brand expands through the purchase of companies supplying components. In 1924, the production of sports cars began. After the war, civilian Morris Minors were produced. In 1961, Morris Oxford came out with a new design. The brand was closed in 1952.


Mosler Logo

Among the American supercars are the products of Mosler Automotive, founded in 1985 by Warren Mosler as Consulier Industries to make high-performance cars. The brand was headquartered in Riviera Beach, Florida. Its first product, the Consulier GTP, was produced from 1985 through 1993. After separating from Consulier Industries a separate vehicle production facility called Mosler Automotive, the model was renamed the Mosler Intruder / Raptor. Several other project models were produced before production closed in 2013 – the six-wheeler Jeep, TwinStar, twin-engine Cadillac Eldorado.

Mr. Norm’s

Mr Norm's Logo

Mr. Norm’s American company for modifications and production of sports cars and racing cars has been known since 1963. It began when its founder Norman Kraus and face opened the Grand Spaulding Dodge car dealership. It was located at the intersection of West Grand Avenue and North Spaulding Avenue in Chicago’s Humboldt Park. In 1967, he assembled the powerful GSS Dart that made Mr. Norm’s a legend. Norman Kraus was involved in modifying Dodge muscle cars, building powerful and winning sports cars based on them.


MSO is a car company, which stands for McLaren Special Operations, was founded as a special division of the McLaren brand. Its tasks include modifying both already produced and new sports models of the brand, design, and development according to individual orders. Unique cars MSO are distinguished by their uniqueness and meet customers’ requirements, having individual customization. Today, the company’s offerings include the McLaren 50 12C, MSO 650S, and 650S Le Mans.


MTM Logo

The main focus of the German automobile brand MTM, founded in 1990, is the development of engines. But apart from that, Motoren Technik Mayer, based in Wettstetten, Germany, has managed to produce several vehicles that have attracted attention, including the MTM Bimoto and the 2009 MTM Audi RS6. Its founder Roland Mayer based his activities on modifying Audi, expanding production to Volkswagen, Seat, Skoda, Lamborghini, and Bentley. In 1992, a modification of the MTM Audi S2 RSR Clubsport saw the light of day.

Mullen Technologies

Mullen Technologies Logo

Mullen Technologies, Inc, a small private company located in Brea, California, US, produces electric cars. Its founder is David Michery, who created the brand in 2012. Since 2014, the company has focused on the production of electric vehicles. David owns a network of car dealerships in California and Arizona. A luxury sports car – Dragonfly K50 (Qiantu K50) is among the brand’s developments. In 2020, it merged with Net Element, Inc. to begin producing the Ottova electric SUV.


Muntz Logo

Muntz Car Company is the brainchild of the eccentric industrialist Erla Manza, who made his name on the sale of used cars. In 1951 he opened its car manufacturer, having bought from Kurtis Kraft the car production and the rights to its unreleased developments. By adjusting to the design, Manza created the Muntz Jet, making it the prototype of the big American cars. The model became a four-seat luxury sports coupe. Twenty-eight copies of this model were produced in Glendale. The company then moved to Evanston, Illinois, where the car was carefully redesigned once again. A total of 199 examples were produced.


Mini Logo

The Mini car brand, first registered in 1959 in the UK, D 1994E, was acquired by BMW. It has been used as a brand name since 1969. Initially, a small two-door car was produced under this brand, corresponding to its name – the Mini-Minor. The first models had different names – Austin Seven and Morris Mini-Minor, which were abolished in 1969. The range was expanded from 1990 to 2000 to include SUVs and compact city cars. This included the E1 and Z13 powered by electric and motorcycle powertrains. In 2000, the Mini Cooper S came out. The last model of the brand, the Mini Mark VII, was built in the same year.


Mercury Logo

The automobile brand Mercury, under which cars and trucks were produced, was founded in 1938 as a division of Ford Motor Company to sell cars in the Medium-Price Field category. The brand was closed in 2010. In the beginning, Mercury was entire of its design but later created on Ford or Lincoln platform. Some of the brand’s most famous models are Mercury Monterey 1954, Mercury Comet, 1975 Mercury Monarch, Mercury Cougar, and Mercury Mariner 2004.

Mack Trucks

Mack Trucks Logo

The Mack Trucks company was founded in 1900 under the name of Mack Brothers Company in Greensboro, Guildford County, North Carolina, US. It made buses and trolleybuses, then trucks. Mac Brothers founded the company. The production of buses was completed in 1960. In 1900, the first developments of heavy trucks were started. In 1904, the brand registered TM Manhattan. In 1911 the company merged with Saurer Motor Truck Company. In 1914, the brand was renamed Motor Truck Corporation, and in 1922 – by Mack Trucks, Inc. In 1990 the brand was controlled by Renault, and in 2000 it was bought by Volvo.

Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ)

Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) Logo

Minsk Automobile Plant has been producing automobiles since 1944 in the USSR, located in the capital of the Belarusian republic, Minsk. MAZ trucks – heavy-duty and trailed vehicles, buses, and trolleybuses are known in their own country and abroad. The trucks were purchased by more than 45 countries of the world. The problems of the ’90s were successfully resolved, and today MAZ is successfully restoring its former glory as of the managing company of the holding “BelavtoMAZ,” but already in the Republic of Belarus. Its MAZ-200 and 205, which replaced GMC and Studebaker produced after the war in 1947, were one of the first own trucks. The brand’s fame was brought by MAZ-504, 5432, and dump truck MAZ-6501.


MAN Logo

The German automobile company MAN from Munich, Germany, began in 1758 from the Saint Anthony metallurgical plant from Oberhausen. The current name was acquired after the merger with the steelworks and the machine factory Klett & Comp, becoming Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG, providing the abbreviation M.A.N., which became the basic name in 1908. In 1915, together with Adolf Saurer’s car factories, a truck manufacturing company was formed under the name Lastwagenwerke M.A.N.-Saurer. When it joined the GHH group in 1986, it became the most influential brand in the country. Trucks of the brand drive on roads around the world. In 2012 the Concept S, a new generation of MAN tractor trucks, was unveiled.


Mahindra Logo

Mahindra Group is an Indian manufacturing conglomerate comprising various divisions, among which Mahindra & Mahindra Limited deals with cars, logistics, components, and some other areas. Founded in 1945 by Jagdish Chandra Mahindra and Ghulam Muhammad as Mahindra & Mohammed, after whose departure it became Mahindra & Mahindra in 1948. The company today has its main office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The first car was the Mahindra Thar. Among the brand models, the most famous are the lines of Mahindra Bolero and Scorpio, Legend, subcompact budget model Verito, created with Renault, Axe, and Major. The most recent models are Mahindra KUV100 and TUV300.


Microcar Logo

French car brand Microcar was founded in 1984 under the auspices of Bénéteau, engaged in the production of sailboats. In 2000 the company changed its location. In 2008, a merger with Ligier Automobiles created Europe’s largest manufacturer of cars of this type and quad bikes. At the same time, the brands retained the right to produce under their brands. In 2008, the Microcar M.Go Electric was presented at the Paris Motor Show. The current production represents the line M.GO-3. At the same time, since 1994, the brand has also paid attention to electric cars, among which is Alco Electric.


Merkur Logo

One of the most short-lived car brands was the American Merkur, a division of Ford Motor Company, founded in 1985 in Dearborn, Michigan, United States. Its main product was the Lux category of cars, assembled from parts manufactured by Ford of Europe in Germany. Changing preferences of American consumers in the 1980s opened a niche for the brand products, which led to the formation of its franchise in the United States and Canada. But in 1989 the branch was closed.

Mills Extreme Vehicles (MEV)

Mills Extreme Vehicles (MEV) Logo

The British company Mills Extreme Vehicles was founded in 2003 to design and manufacture vehicle components. Its unique product is the 2016 Exocet, which has an exoskeleton design with parts from the Mazda MX5 Mk1. The model was modified to meet the requirements of the 750 Motor Club and the MSA for racing in the UK. After its formation, the brand released an experimental one-seat tricycle with a reclining top. Next came the 2005 MEV Trek 4×4 donor kit, based on the Range Rover Classic’s running gear. Products included: the MEV R2 electric car and the off-road gasoline R3, the 2007 budget Rocket, its civilized alternative, the Sonic7, the Sonic7, MEV Atomic cards, and the 2010 MEV Exocet.



In 1930, the Moscow car assembly plant KIM was established in the USSR. An agreement was signed with Ford Motor Company to produce civilian cars at this plant. Until 1933, Ford A and Ford AA models were produced, and then GAZ-A and GAZ-AA models from their components and KIM models. After World War II, the plant was renamed Small car plant’ (ZMA). Then, MZMA – Moskovsky Zavod Malolitrazhnykh Avtomobiley began producing small-capacity city cars under the brand name “Moskvitch.” During the existence of the current name up to 1968, when the brand received a new name – Automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol (AZLK), several most popular models of the Moskvitch brand were produced – 400/401, 402, 407, estate 423, off-road 415, all-wheel-drive 410, 408 and 412.

Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles

Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Logo


Maico Logo

Manic GT

Manic GT Logo


Mansory Logo


Marauder Logo


Marendaz Logo

Markranstadter Automobilfabrik

Markranstadter Automobilfabrik Logo


Marlei Logo


Marlin Logo


Martin Logo

Maruti Suzuki India

Maruti Suzuki India Logo

Matra Bonnet

Matra Bonnet Logo


Matra-Simca Logo


Matra-Talbot Logo


Maudslay Logo




Maxwell Logo


MCC Logo

McLaughlin Carriage Company

McLaughlin Carriage Company Logo


MCV Logo


MDI Logo


Mega Logo

Mekong Auto

Mekong Auto Logo


Messerschmitt Logo

Micro Cars

Micro Cars Logo


Minetti Logo


Mitchell Logo

MK Sportscars

MK Sportscars Logo

Mobius Motors

Mobius Motors Logo


Mohs Logo


Momo Logo


Monica Logo


Morattab Logo


Moskvitch Logo

MTX (Matalex)

MTX (Matalex) Logo


Multicar Logo


Mustang Logo

MV Agusta

MV Agusta Logo


MVS Logo



What sports car starts with an M?

The most famous sports car brand whose name begins with an M is the British brand McLaren, which was founded in 1963. But it’s also a small British sports car brand called Morgan, which has been around since 1909.

What car brand does this M-shaped logo belong to?

To find out more accurately what a logo belongs to a particular brand, it is best to visit a resource with descriptions of brands and logos. But there aren’t many brands whose logo consists of a single letter M, made on its own or as an accent in the logo. This could be Mazda or Mosler. Similarly, the logo of Maybach consists of two M’s.

What expensive cars start with the letter M?

Among the most expensive in the group of brands beginning with M are those that produce Lux cars. Among them: Maserati and Maybach, McLaren and Mercedes-Benz, Monteverdi vehicles. And also a model of the Motors Fenyr SuperSport brand called Lykan Hypersport.

该文《Cars Brands that start with M》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:以M开头的汽车品牌以M开头的汽车品牌Cars Brands that start with M


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