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Most famous logos with a Heart


一个这样的符号是心脏。在传统意义上,它代表着爱,但它的解释可以根据上下文而有所不同。例如,在血管外科临床 logo上,心脏的含义接近字面意思:它是一个需要治疗的器官。但对于,一个儿童玩具品牌体现了母亲的温柔,关怀和感情。这是一种经典的表意文字——一种以可理解的形式传达思想的图画。这种想法的数量仅仅受到设计师想象力的限制。下面是一个公司的名单,这些公司的 logo包含一个心形的图像。


Logo Eurovision

流行歌曲大赛 logo中的心脏有双重功能。首先,它表达了对创意和音乐的热爱。其次,它被用作欧洲电视网参与者国旗的框架。每年,设计都会根据主办国的不同而有所变化。心脏在中间:设计者通过用象形文字代替它,强调了它与" V "的相似性。该名称使用自定义字体。下面是"歌唱比赛"的短语,用哥谭市的粗体怪诞字体写的。最后一行通常标明主办城市和比赛年份。他们在哥谭书里被强调。


Logo Burlington

伯林顿 logo是另一个用心脏代替字母的例子。在美国服装零售商的例子中,它模仿了大写字母乙.艺术家们将心形翻转过来,使相似之处显而易见。结果,两个中间有一个三角形凹陷的半圆形凸起最终出现在右侧——几乎正好是" B "有这些凸起的地方。优雅的 logo外面涂上粉红色,但里面仍然是白色的。所有随后的字形也是粉红色的,用博多尼家族的字体书写。有趣的是,伯灵顿的心象征着对所有顾客的仁慈态度,无论他们的生活方式和肤色如何。毕竟,公司的新理念是基于接受人与人之间的差异。



社会福利和发展部,简称DSWD,使用一个描绘八角形红心的 logo。它代表菲律宾的穷人,因为该组织帮助因年龄或健康问题而无法工作的贫困菲律宾人。支撑心脏的蓝手代表政府对人民的关心和改善社会各阶层社会状况的责任。这幅画被放在一个黄色的方形框架里,底部有圆角。


Logo Polk Audio

这家美国扬声器制造商的一个 logo(2012-2020)上也有一颗心:它是由一个亮红色圆圈背景下的负白色空间组成的。在这种情况下,圆形底座模仿了低音炮扬声器,心形象征着所有音响发烧友都喜欢的音质。 logo的右边是一行黑色的简短题字。设计师们用一条垂直拉伸的大胆、怪诞的线条来代表单词“波尔克”


Logo Konplott

创造孔普罗特的米兰达康斯坦丁尼杜受过时尚插画的训练,所以她的公司的身份是经过详细思考的。这个德国时尚配饰品牌使用了一个椭圆形的多部分 logo。心被放在构图的中心,似乎属于青蛙公主,她坐在地球仪上——或者说,在地球仪的尺度上。许多题字用关于制造商的信息来补充图画。有创始人的名和姓,有孔普罗特出道的名字和年份。心传达了一种爱美之心,就像童话里的青蛙公主可以随心所欲地变成一个迷人的女孩。


Logo GoDaddy

域名注册商GoDaddy的 logo上的心脏是一个字母组合,与预期相反,它不是由" G "和" d "组成的。一半看起来像G .然而,另一半是“哦.正如该公司解释的那样,这个与科多和利平科特合作创建的 logo应该会激励用户采取行动。绿松石字母组合与"上帝"同色。品牌名称使用类似头向前地修改后的感知文本黑色的粗体字体,第一个" G "的样式为圆形箭头。


Logo University of Wisconsin

很难看出心是威斯康星大学的主要 logo,但它确实存在。我们正在谈论一个金色装饰框架内的红色图形。它垂直伸展,包含白色字母“w”,这是学校的官方盾徽的样子。它是 logo的一部分, logo还包括一个口头 logo:一个带有城市名称和大学的双层题字。第一行使用红色Friz Quadrata字体,第二行使用经典的细长奇形怪状字体。


Logo Munchkin

婴儿用品品牌由一个带有彩色题字“芒奇金”的 logo代表,其中每个字母都是小写的,并分别着色。该字体类似于丰斯特公司。的新无粗体,除了在单词标记中,“n”看起来像一个倒置的" u .另一个区别是在“我”上有一个红色轮廓的小白心,而不是一个点。这表达了对孩子的爱,是温柔和关怀的象征。


Logo FIBA 2023 WorldCup

国际篮联2023世界杯是国际篮球比赛的比赛之一。它将在三个亚洲国家同时举行,与以往的锦标赛有所区别。你也可以通过它的 logo认出这个锦标赛, logo上有三颗心,象征着对篮球的热情。他们描绘了一个在另一个里面:一个小的蓝色的心在中心,然后一个白色的心有装饰性的卷发,后面是一个大的红色的心。设计师将它们翻转过来,用作奈史密斯金杯的背景。底部是关于赛事的一些基本信息:主办组织的名称(“国际篮联”),运动项目("篮球")、锦标赛类型("世界杯")和主办单位("菲律宾日本印度尼西亚")。


Logo Badoo

毫不奇怪Badoo logo上有一颗心,因为这个社交网络是为浪漫约会设计的。但即使是这样一个平庸的符号,艺术家们也用有趣的方式玩了它,在里面放了一个白色的半环,描绘了一个微笑。这让我们不仅可以把蓝心理解为爱情的象征,还可以理解为接吻后嘴唇留下的印记。图标右侧是同样深蓝色的品牌名称。圆形无衬线字母与反括号微笑相协调。他们的几何字体类似于舒适a .


Logo Thomas Cook

英国托马斯库克旅游公司的 logo也包含一颗心。这里它由两个垂直连接的椭圆形矩形组成。该图是用金色绘制的,带有渐变和白色反光,同时象征着高服务标准和风景如画的黎明。底部下方是黑色字体:品牌名称,分为两行,居中对齐。


Logo Trainline

列车线路是一项在线服务,你可以在这里购买火车票或查看路线时刻表。因此,其 logo上的心脏由两条独立的线组成,同时类似于铁路地图和铁轨——尽管有点弯曲。位于右侧的风格化心形图案和品牌名称均以青绿色呈现。这个词是用粗体写的,大致类似于辛特佩的新词奇形怪状的粗体.


Logo Lazada

这家总部位于新加坡的电子商务网站是阿里巴巴集团的一部分,它公开宣布对其客户的爱。而这一切都是因为拉扎达有一个心形 logo。但它不是标准的,而是"电子的",就像是由两个放大的像素组装而成的。几何图形的右侧是粉红色的;左边是橙色的。在转角处的交界处,两种颜色混合成一种渐变,所以看起来从浓淡到浓淡过渡的很和谐。在顶部,中间,有一个平滑的凹痕,使 logo成为心形。图标旁边是交易网络平台的名称,用细长的奇形怪状的字体输入。字母的线条笔直,轮廓清晰。小写的" a "和" d "彼此非常相似。它们的区别仅在于侧腿的长度。


Logo Polly Pocket

波利口袋有一个特殊的 logo,因为这一系列的玩具主要由娃娃组成。为了引起女孩们的注意,设计师们使用了一种起泡的字体,并将单词“波利”中的字母“哦”替换成了一个大大的心形。爱的象征在里面是深紫色,外面镶着一条金带,两端优雅地打着旋。其他颜色用于题词:白色和浅蓝色。而且整体背景是紫色的。高光产生了"可塑性"、"玩偶般"的效果


Logo Pure Romance

纯浪漫 logo上的心形看起来像一条飘落的粉红丝带。它是舒适、柔软、轻盈和辛辣的化身,因为该公司销售的产品是面向成年人的。这个浪漫的象征也呼应了它的名字,它呈现在同样的粉红色中,带着一丝紫红色。它是用对比鲜明的字体写的,几乎看不到微型衬线。


Logo iHeartRadio



Logo CVS Pharmacy

美国零售连锁店CVS药房也使用了一个带有心形图案的 logo。她的象形图看起来像一个深红色的菱形,在顶角处有一个矩形凹陷。这个数字象征着对顾客健康的爱和关心。在右边,缩写"简历"是用粗体字母写的,后面是单词“药房”,完全转换成小写。对于后者,一个低对比度的无衬线字体让人想起OGJ类型设计的续集无体介质被选中。


Logo Blugirl Folies

布鲁格弗利斯 logo上有一颗被箭射穿的心,让人想起洞穴壁画。它被描绘成在单词“福利”的黑色“哦”内有一个负空间,这个负空间被放大并居中。相比之下,“蓝色女孩”被缩小,用大写字母写在右上角——从“我”上的点开始。带箭的心是永恒爱情的传统象征。在这种情况下,对服装的热爱体现在意大利品牌的系列中。


Logo Luisa Spagnoli

路易莎斯帕尼奥利的文字 logo体现了这个品牌所属国家的时尚和优雅,那就是意大利。很难看到铭文中的心脏,因为它是由首字母" L "和" S "以及单词“路易莎”中的第四个" S "卷曲而成的爱的象征与其他复杂的线条形成鲜明对比,因为带有铰链和细长脚的手写符号吸引了所有的注意力。


Logo Nandos

快餐连锁店南多斯位于南非,因此其 logo上的公鸡是以适当的风格绘制的。它的腿、躯干和头部像一个细长的黑色罐子。细节也增加了:一个大的冠,尾巴,眼睛和喙。但最重要的元素是公鸡胸前的红心,这是爱和信任的表达。品牌的名字也是红色的。它就写在下面,用粗体,倾斜的衬线字体。


Logo XO

唱片公司最上乘的白兰地酒(特陈级)的 logo包含了它的名字,名字不是写出来的,而是用黑漆不小心画出来的。看起来好像是艺术家的手抖了一下,或者墨水太液态了,在纸上散开了。字母之间的顶部以相同的风格描绘了一个黑色的小心脏。由心脏分开的" X "和“哦”类似于一个数学公式——在这种情况下,它可能是一个与测量对音乐的热爱程度有关的隐喻。


Logo WeHeartIt

WeHeartIt这个名字揭示了这个社交网络的意义:它是为用户彼此分享他们喜欢的图片而创建的。这种单词组合体现在 logo中,其中"我们"和"它"是用深灰色小写字母书写的,没有衬线,而不是中间部分,而是一个象形图——一个带有渐变的粉红色心形。爱心符号不仅说明了平台的名称,还显示了人们对内容的反应。


Logo I Love New York

也许这个名单上最著名的 logo是"我爱纽约"口号的缩影。设计师们缩短了这个短语,把它变成了一种反驳。第一行包含黑色字母“我”和一颗红心。在它们下面是一个城市的缩写名:"纽约"它和顶部的字形一样黑。这些元素被放在中间,这样就有了和谐的对称。字体采用美国打字机字体的加粗版本,带有圆形衬线。


Logo Southwest Airlines



Logo Airbnb

在线住宿搜索和租赁网站爱彼迎(美国短租平台)使用了一个带有一颗非常奇怪的心的 logo。它不仅有一点点可识别的形状,而且它是颠倒的。你可以辨认出大写字母" A "一个男人的头和手,以及地理位置 logo。抽象心脏的轮廓被漆成柔和的粉红色,与白色的内部形成对比。右边的题词颜色一样。所有字母都是小写的,并且是无衬线几何字体,类似于LL布朗.


Logo Etsy

美国在线商店Etsy选择了一个简单的 logo。它由一个巨大的古典形状的心组成,就像情书中描绘的那样。 logo倾斜放置,顶端向右下方。它没有其他图形元素。淡咖啡色背景上只有一行字——一个商业网站的名字。它很大,所以几乎占据了整个内部空间。自然,文字也是对角线的。它使用小写的软字体。例外是“E”:是资本。字形的衬线是平滑的,和谐地变成字母的腿。


Logo IGtools

为推广照片墙用户而创建的IGtools平台,可以让你增加订阅人数和赞数。这些非常喜欢的视觉体现是服务的 logo上描绘的小粉红色的心。为了突出它,设计师将它放在一个白色的圆圈中,并添加了一个环形框架,四条条纹指向左侧。这个框架不仅是一个装饰元素,也是照片墙上出现新喜欢的速度的体现。橙色和粉色的渐变让人想起社交网络的颜色。平台的名字写在稍微靠右的地方,设计者使用了现代的粗体字体。


Logo General Mills

通用磨坊是一家食品和非食品制造商,以即食谷物早餐闻名。从商标上的小红心来看,它用爱来制造所有的产品。该符号位于蓝色的程式化" g "上方。旁边是同样的蓝色公司名称,分成两行,用哥谭粗体字书写。


Logo British Heart Foundation

由于英国心脏基金会从事心血管系统的研究,其 logo中的心脏说明了一个真实的人体器官。它由以下部分组成

a white line that looks like a drawing of a cardiogram. The name of the charity is written in bold white letters at the bottom, and the background for all the elements is a vertical rectangle of red. The text is divided into two lines and in a sans serif font.


Logo Pampers

The heart on the logo of the famous diaper manufacturer symbolizes gentleness, softness, comfort, and care for babies. It is formed by a yellow stripe that curls up to form a loop. Given the chosen color, this element can denote the sun because four light blue lines emanating from it, similar to rays. The turquoise “Pampers” lettering is also associated with affection and kindness because it is written in a bubbly font with rounded corners.

American Heart Association

Logo American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is another company that sponsors the study of cardiac disease. That is, the heart is not so much the embodiment of love as it is the object of research. It is depicted on the AHA logo in classic red, complete with a burning torch that symbolizes progress, education, enlightenment, and knowledge. The organization’s name is divided into three lines and written on the right side in sans serif black letters.

My Little Pony

Logo My Little Pony

The emblem of My Little Pony also has a heart, not one, but three. Two of them are small and dark blue. They are used as intra-letter gaps at the “p” and “o” in the word “pony.” The third heart is white and serves as a background for the pronoun “my.” Like the pink rainbow in the background, this is part of a hyperbolized glamorous style aimed at the cartoon series’ target audience of preschool and elementary school-aged girls.

Kingdom Hearts

Logo Kingdom Hearts

The logo of the Kingdom Hearts computer games reflects their name. It contains a corresponding Gothic inscription, a tridental crown, and an elegant heart, which consists of two curved lines with whorls. All elements are presented in different shades of gray, but black is additionally used for contrast. The smooth and soft lines of the heart contrast with the sharp spikes on the ends of the letters.


Logo NYX

As the cosmetics company, the NYX logo was created following the canons of minimalism; the designers decided to depict a small black heart instead of the big red one. It is located exactly in the middle – under the foot of the letter “Y” of the acronym, which is located at the top. The motto “PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP” occupies the bottom line. In this case, the heart balances the contrast between the two fonts: simple, subtle grotesque, and complex futuristic glyphs.

Stella McCartney

Logo Stella McCartney

The heart and the lettering on the Stella McCartney logo look like they’re lined with tiny dark rhinestones. And both “A’s” are missing pieces, as if the glued rhinestones have already crumbled. This design is reminiscent of the pattern on clothes because that’s exactly what the company produces.

CVS Health

Logo CVS Health

The owner of the CVS Health chain of pharmacies and outpatient clinics is another company that can’t do without a heart in its identity. It’s shaped like a rhombus with a rectangular notch on top and matches the dark red “CVS” abbreviation next to it. Even to the right is the black word “Health” written in Lubalin Graph geometric font.

Jojo Siwa

Logo Jojo Siwa

The Jojo Siwa logo is as colorful and eccentric as the American artist who owns the brand. The two hearts formed by the legs of the letters “J” and “j” in “Jojo” are quite in keeping with her style. The same goes for the two five-pointed stars to the right and left of the word “Siwa.” And the pink gradient with a transition to a purple hue emphasizes femininity, playfulness, and friendliness.

Belarusian Opposition

Logo Belarusian Opposition

The Belarusian Opposition democratic movement has a positive logo, which includes a symbol of love – a red heart. It is unevenly colored and circled by an uneven black stripe around the edge. To the right is a clenched fist – a sign of solidarity and unity. After he is a hand, showing the index and middle fingers in the shape of the letter “V,” the so-called victorious gesture “victoria.”

Heart of Midlothian

Logo Heart of Midlothian

The Heart of Midlothian logo demonstrates the football club’s respect for its fans and for the sport it plays. After all, the Scottish professional team opted for the heart. In addition, this is a sacred sign – “brave heart” has long been associated with the local people. The main part of the emblem is painted dark red with a yellow center. The inner frame is light grey. The outer contour consists of two thin multi-colored stripes. There is a soccer ball in the center of the logo. Around it are the capital letters “F,” “H,” “M,” “C,” and the number “1874”. They are separated by rectangles resembling the flag of Scotland. There is also a triple frame in the form of a three-layer “brickwork.” That is, it is a multi-component logo with historical roots.


Logo YouPorn

In the YouPorn emblem, the symbol of love takes on a double meaning, given the specifics of this online platform. In this case, the heart is integrated into the verbal sign: it takes the place of the letter “O,” which should be located immediately after the “P.” The artists outlined a pink outline and left the middle empty. The second half of the inscription is the same delicate pink color, done in a subtle low-contrast grotesque. As for the first three glyphs, we used a bold black font without serifs.

Stranger Live

Logo Stranger Live

Because the Stranger Live app was created not only to find new friends but also for romantic dating, the heart on its logo seems very appropriate. And yet, the designers didn’t focus on it but made the symbol small and placed it above the image of a video camera. It turned out to have a dual meaning: both love video chatting and love in video chat. The central elements are taken in a white ring, stylized as a dialogue bubble. Both the heart and the camera, and the frame are painted white. The overall background is a pink square with rounded corners and a gradient.

Heart of Dallas Bowl

Logo Heart of Dallas Bowl

To find the heart in the multidimensional logo of the soccer game, you need to look closely at the inscription. It is highlighted in light blue and is inside the first “D” that begins the word “DALLAS.” This part of the title, along with the phrase “HEART OF,” is painted white and placed on a dark blue ribbon that is curved in the shape of an arch. In the background is a large triangular shield. In addition to the text, it contains several other Heart of Dallas Bowl symbols:

A rooster silhouette A five-pointed star A heraldic rose A typographic mark is known as an asterisk Aetna

Logo Aetna

The heart on the Aetna logo is almost identical to that of CVS Pharmacy and CVS Health; only the American insurance company has bright purple instead of dark red. And no wonder, since its main specialization is health insurance, so the associations with the health care institutions are quite appropriate. The main graphic element symbolizes reliability, trust, and love. The soft geometric typeface used to write the brand’s name enhances the positive impression.


Logo Polar

The developers of Polar’s identity decided to play with the heart in the slogan “LISTEN TO YOUR HEART,” replacing the last word with a corresponding picture. As a result, the medium-sized dark red icon complements the black lettering, in which all the letters are elongated vertically. It echoes the color of the “O” in the “POLAR” caption above. This “O” looks like a circle divided in two by a horizontal white stripe. The same stripe runs through the glyphs “P,” “L,” “A,” and “R.” It symbolizes the thirst for speed because the logo belongs to the manufacturer of sporting goods.


Logo Roxy

The heart halves on this company’s emblem are formed by negative space between two figures that mimic human hands. The stylized fingers hold two triangular mountains with snow-capped tops. By arranging the elements in this way, the designers tried to express their love for snowboarding because Roxy is a clothing brand for extreme sports.


Logo Fanslyl

The Fansly platform allows you to trade a variety of photo and video content, but it is most often used to distribute adult content. That’s why the heart on its logo has the shape of two padlocks stacked together. Interestingly, they are not closed but open; that is, there is a hint of giving access to something confidential, forbidden. The little circle in the center simultaneously looks like a camera lens and a door peephole. The light blue color represents reliability and evokes subconscious trust. In addition, the lock itself is a symbol of security.

McKamey Animal Center

Logo McKamey Animal Center

As McKamey Animal Center helps defenseless animals, the heart on its logo is stylized as a paw print. It is reversed 180 degrees and painted soft pink, and above it is four small circles of the same shade. The icon is placed inside a dark turquoise pentagon in the shape of a dog kennel so that no one would have any doubt about the identity of the print. The organization’s name is written on the right in black letters.


Logo Heart

The British radio network Heart broadcasts fiery music, so it has a name associated with passion and vivid emotion. This is embodied in the red logo, where the letter “a” is replaced by a heart lying on its side.


Logo LensCrafters

Unlike many other companies, eyewear chain LensCrafters uses the heart on its logo as part of an impromptu puzzle. On the left is a stylized eye, and a little to the right is a small red heart, followed by the abbreviation “LC.” The obvious message is encoded here: your eyes will love our glasses. The full brand name is at the bottom and is presented in black.


Logo DocMorris

The logo of the pharmaceutical chain DocMorris can be distinguished by the green heart, which is decorated with three spirals of different shades. Judging by the palette, it symbolizes love for natural medicines, although green is also associated with health, reliability, and strength. The words of the two-level inscription “DocMorris Apotheke” are painted in the same colors. The dots on the ends of the letters “c” and “r” echo a similar dot inside the heart.


Logo Langnese

The heart on the red and white Langnese emblem is shaped like the curved tops of the ice cream that the company sells. A total of five hearts of different sizes and colors can be counted. That’s how, according to the designers, the boundless love for cold desserts should be expressed. It also looks like layers of white ice cream with berry jam.

Good Humor

Logo Good Humor

This is another ice cream brand that uses the heart logo. It is essentially the American version of Langnese, so their symbols are very similar. Only at Good Humor, the multi-layered red and white heart is not the logo’s centerpiece. It is on the roof of the ice cream truck, with happy children running after it. The brand name is written on the side of the car to catch the eye immediately.


Most famous logos with a Heart

South Korean music group Apink uses a logo with a heart because its members are all girls. The designers play up the name of the creative group by depicting it in a handwritten font in pink. The foot of the “p” stretches far down, then curves upwards at right angles. At the same time, one of the diagonals of the letter “k” (which for some reason looks like an “x”) first forms a hook and then forms a large loop resembling the top of a heart. This abstract framing, along with the delicate palette, matches the feminine Apink style.


Logo Merci

The concept of the Merci confectionery brand is expressed in its name, which means “thank you” in French. People are supposed to give each other chocolate as a thank-you gift; that’s why in this case, the heart symbol can be interpreted as the most real expression of love. And the designers didn’t just put it on the logo but artistically played it up, depicting it instead of a dot over the “i.” For this, they used a red gradient from scarlet to burgundy. The word “merci,” on the other hand, is written in lowercase glyphs with a gold gradient. The font looks elegant with its high contrast and the dots on the ends of some of the letters.


Logo Clover

Clover is a dating application that allows you to build friendships and romantic relationships. Therefore, the four hearts on its emblem symbolize the meeting of people who feel sympathy for each other. Judging by the symmetrical arrangement, they beat in unison. The identical shape suggests their similarity, and the different colors – pink, green, blue, and orange – emphasize their individuality. Interestingly, the hearts are laid out in the shape of a clover. On the right is a black wordmark with the name of the brand. It is in a font roughly similar to Explogos – Demo by Steve Gardner.

Comme des Garçons

Comme des Garçons Logo

The Japanese brand, based in the capital of France, is engaged in fashion, perfumery, and jewelry. It was founded in 1969 and had two offices at once: in Tokyo (legally) and in Paris (actually). For the logo, Comme des Garçons chose a heart with eyes and a full name with a flower instead of a diacritic. All elements are painted black.


该文《Most famous logos with a Heart》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:最著名的心形logo,最著名的心形logo寓意,Most famous logos with a Heart


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