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Most Famous Logos with a Star

现代世界为商业发展提供了许多机会。有了产品及其定位,有了公司的视觉识别,就有可能脱颖而出。如今,品牌 logo早已不再"只是一枚徽章。它是一种 logo,承载着一系列关于公司的关键信息,也是公司区别于竞争对手的另一种方式。

事实上,几乎首先吸引潜在客户眼球的是公司的 logo。应该注意的是,不同的公司在促销中使用一些通用的符号和元素。但是每个人都用自己的方式玩。把这样的符号看作一颗星。这一 logo在以下每个 logo中都得到了创造性的诠释。

带有星形符号的顶级 logo:


Chrysler Logo

这家公司的 logo是世界上最受认可的星徽之一。五边形内部的星星与其说是主星,不如说是一个补充符号。它为主要元素提供了更多的亮度和体积。同时,在这种背景下的星星是 logo的视觉口音之一。由于这一细节, logo获得了优雅,轻盈,清晰,以及这样的多功能性,这使得它看起来好像是永恒的。

另外值得注意的是恒星本身的特征。它的薄射线表明运动和进步,该公司的专业精神,它生产好车。徽章使用黑白渐变和对比,使其具有立体感。总的来说,这个 logo看起来时尚而精致,它的配色方案非常适合汽车品牌。



Paramount Logo


这家传奇公司的身份一直与山而不是明星联系在一起,因为山是 logo的主要元素。然而,21颗五角星作为一个框架点缀着 logo。这是电影公司用于其著名 logo的想法。对于一家在影院领域有着庞大野心的企业来说,这样的 logo; logo创意还是挺可以理解的。




JAC Motors Logo

这是一家在汽车行业有实力的中国企业,是国有的。该公司成立于1964年。它生产公共汽车和小汽车。应该指出的是,这个 logo上的星星与克莱斯勒在其 logo中使用的星星非常相似。然而, logo本身是明显不同的。这颗星位于透明背景上的椭圆形内。


你也要注意这个 logo; logo的配色。浅银色的色调是这个球体的特征。和红色的粗体字用于JAC使 logo对比鲜明,易于辨认。同时,用细黑字母写的发动机这个词平衡了重音,使 logo; logo平衡。总的来说,这个 logo; logo看起来很原创,很自信。这暗示了江淮汽车公司在这方面是专家。


Subaru Logo

另一个在 logo中使用星星的汽车品牌是斯巴鲁。该公司成立于1953年七月。这家从事汽车行业的公司也在 logo中使用了灰银色。然而,用于星星和 logo框的银色渐变与用于背景的蓝色渐变相结合。与前一种情况一样,对于斯巴鲁 logo,使用了椭圆形的图形。然而,这里它在宽度上被拉伸得更多。

六颗四角星在视觉上形成了一个有趣的组合,将这个 logo与许多其他 logo区分开来,使它非常容易识别,不可能与任何其他 logo混淆。在一个放大的星的右边,其他四个被使用。他们的视觉风格化是一个非常有趣的解决方案。光线向两侧延伸的创意造型看起来很有创意。

即使在这个想法看起来很有趣,恒星是通过它们的光线成对结合的。就含义而言, logo上的星星代表七姐妹星座,第七颗星星仍然不可见。顺带一提,公司的日文名字和提到的星座是一样的。因此,星星准确地位于蓝色渐变背景上并没有什么奇怪的。


Mercedes-Benz Logo

梅赛德斯奔驰最近庆祝了它的100周年纪念。该公司的 logo使用了一个位于圆形框架内的三叉星。即使这个 logo在公司发展的不同阶段会周期性的改变,但它的核心本质是不变的。

和上一个案例一样,这个 logo的一个重要特征是在渐变中使用金属色。这种视觉解决方案非常有效,因为 logo有助于强调该公司提供的高级汽车。这个 logo的另一个重要特点是星星本身的三维(three dimension的缩写)效果。由于这种视觉解决方案, logo看起来很有声望,也很昂贵。


至于奔驰的车徽,它有一段相当有趣的历史,因为它是由奔驰和戴姆勒的 logo合并而成的。由此产生的图像让人想起一个有三根辐条的方向盘。这个 logo表达了公司将专注于汽车运输。如果说早期的重点还在于船只和飞机的引擎,那么现在这个 logo有了更深层次的含义。与此同时,其他两个方向仍然存在,所以三叉星也可以指示三个元素-土地,水和空气。


Heineken Logo

喜力的 logo中使用了红色的星星符号,加上绿色的字体,对许多人来说颇具争议。但首先,我要简单介绍一下公司本身。这家荷兰公司是国内最大的啤酒生产商。如果你看看全球规模,它是第二位,因为该公司落后于另一个行业巨头百威英博。但是它的规模还是很可观的不是吗?

喜力商标上的星星出现在19世纪80年代;那时候是单色的。在20世纪30年代, logo变成了红色和白色,并辅以黑色轮廓。字母是红色的。值得注意的是,只有在苏联解体后,这颗星才完全变成红色。共产主义政权的崩溃使得使用这个符号与共产主义没有联系成为可能。


Rockstar Games Logo

这家公司专门从事电脑游戏的开发。它的 logo; logo很简约,但同时看起来对比鲜明,很有意思。用斜体字书写的黑色大字母稀有由一个五角白星补充,其下半部分为黑色轮廓。

logo; logo中的这个构图是在暗黄色的背景上。从几个角度来看,这是成功的。首先,它看起来真的令人印象深刻,引人注目,这是非常重要的摇滚之星游戏的 logo。其次,这些符号与代表力量、能量、幸福和快速发展的颜色搭配得很好。同时,这个 logo就像一个拼图,公司名称的第一部分被加密了。



Texaco Logo


德士古的 logo; logo是按照极简主义的传统设计的,但是相当有力量。要分析这个 logo,你必须深入了解德克萨斯州的历史,它通常被称为孤星之州。这是这个地区流行的昵称,源自19世纪30年代使用的旗帜。红色和白色的配色方案,与力量和激情联系在一起,非常适合这个 logo。

红圈里面是一颗白星,里面是公司名称中的大写字母,代表红色。 logo的下一个是公司名称,也是用红色字母写的。这样的视觉解决方案使 logo易于识别和记忆。即使它的设计与 logo设计的最新趋势有些不同, logo传达了公司的传统和它的祖国。它传达了一个相当有力的信息,表明该公司在其细分市场中的自信地位。


Starbucks Logo

这家美国咖啡店网络成立于1971年,很快就遍布全球。现在这个网络在全世界有超过23,000个网点。如果我们谈论这个 logo,它的设计者史蒂夫默里说这个 logo描绘了海妖。这种生物在神话故事中为人所知。根据神话,海妖引诱水手沉船。该 logo中的星星被用在海妖的皇冠上,其形象位于一个圆形 logo内,设计为白色和绿色。

如果我们不仅根据公司代表的官方版本,而且根据评论家来分析这个 logo,就会有不同的意见。对犹太复国主义运动持批评态度的人认为这个 logo可能描绘了王后以斯帖。那些记得星巴克最初 logo的人相信,这个 logo是颠倒的,显示的是光明会使用的一只山羊的头。

那些只从形状和颜色的一般解释来分析当前 logo的人认为,白色和绿色的调色板可能与发展和增长有关。


Poker Stars Logo

如果我们考虑一个主要的在线扑克资源扑克明星的 logo,正如分析师所说,没有什么是令人惊讶或意想不到的。扑克之星的 logo显示门户的名称。五角星在红色的尖刺里面。对于与赌博行业有交往的人来说,这个 logo; logo是可以理解的。对于一个公司来说,为客户提供游戏来赚钱是可以预见的。





Converse Logo

这家美国公司历史悠久,从二十世纪初就开始生产鞋子。特别是,消费者非常喜欢这个品牌的运动鞋,俗称"匡威"。该公司的 logo很有名,很容易辨认。这是五角星,它位于一个圆形框架内。它出现在1928年的 logo上,从那以后就再也没有离开过。

即使没有更多的题字,这个 logo也会与全世界数百万人喜爱和穿着的鞋子联系在一起。选择的图形符号看起来不错,并带有质量、成功和声誉的预期内涵。

匡威 logo的重要之处在于它的配色方案。深沉而平静的蓝色调表明该品牌产品的质量和可靠性。


Carl’s Jr. Logo

小卡尔的 logo不仅可爱,而且非常友好。上面考虑的是许多公司使用强大和雄心勃勃的明星的例子,有些甚至是整个星座。但如果我们谈论小卡尔,不可能在众多明星中不认出这位明星。至少,因为他在微笑,这是这家美国公司的经理和设计师决定应用在公司形象上的视觉解决方案。而且,应该指出的是,连锁快餐店这样一个友好的 logo是非常合适的。

这颗星星选择了暖色调,结合了红色和橙色。向右倾斜这个元素进一步增强了它的情感基调,因为它看起来好像微笑的星星也在跳舞。 logo中公司名称的倾斜字体在整体构图中看起来很和谐。暖色调和黑色的对比创造了一个很好的视觉平衡。

如果我们从历史的角度来分析这个品牌的 logo,它早在1941年就有了一颗星星。这家公司本身为顾客提供美味又实惠的食物,至今仍广为人知,因为它在自己经营的利基市场牢牢占据着自己的位置。


NFL Logo

美国一个职业足球联盟的 logo上使用了四颗五角星。他们联想到美国国旗,在这种情况下非常成功,因为它在视觉上让你强调联盟对它所代表的国家的归属感。

此外,在语义上,星星暗示了球员的高度职业素养和技巧。因此,NFL的 logo承载了几个重要的价值。

这个 logo上的星星的含义的另一个载体是该组织对其不变的价值观的永恒性和承诺。这个 logo传达了对根和传统的尊重,对他们声誉的关心。这并不奇怪,因为该联盟成立于1920年8月。从那时起到现在,取得了足够多的胜利,本组织对此感到自豪。

这个 logo的形状像一个盾形纹章,在这种情况下很合适。球的形象表明了职业联赛的工作方向,其名称的缩写在信息方面很重要,增加了识别度。


Benelli Logo

贝内利是一家来自意大利的传奇摩托车制造商。该公司成立于1911年。值得注意的是,该公司是从一家小商店起家的,如今已是全球最受欢迎的摩托车制造商之一。这颗星于1925年首次出现在贝内利的 logo上。

1932年,贝纳利 logo的重新设计引入了一种新的构图,其中的星星已经是3颗了。在1951年和1972年对 logo的进一步改造中,去掉了这些元素, logo本身被简化为公司名称。1951年,使用斜体和白底黑字轮廓。1972年, logo看起来更有趣,使用直的字母和带有高贵金色色调的字体,但它仍然与以前走过的精致视觉构成相去甚远。不是没有意义的,在1995年,该公司回到了1932年的 logo变体,但它收到了一个新的风格化和更现代的设计。

logo是一个圆形的银色 logo,内部是一只狮子的形象,三颗五角星,中间是公司名称。 logo的周边饰有月桂花环。

值得注意的是,从公司成立之初,狮子就被选为其 logo。这种动物与力量和权力联系在一起,非常适合一家知名的摩托车制造商。


San Pellegrino Logo


尽管圣佩莱格里诺的视觉 logo看起来很谦虚,但这个 logo看起来非常强大和有趣。圣佩莱格里诺 logo由一个文字 logo组成,上面是一个星形的盾形纹章。大写字母完全用于佩莱格里诺铭文,这已经表明了该公司对其细分市场的信心。


如果你仔细看字体,你可以看到一些字母的边缘被斜切。在字母E中,横条的长度不同。这个 logo的谦虚只是表面上的。它很复杂,而且在细节上经过了深思熟虑。


s the composition meaningfully, indicating the high quality of the product sold under the brand name San Pellegrino.

San Pellegrino’s logo is an example of a brand emblem, which can be described as “timeless.” It conveys traditions and classics, but at the same time not looking old-fashioned.


Estrella Logo

This is the name of Spain’s oldest beer brand. And since the Estrella logo was also included in this selection, it did not do without a star. The brand appeared in the 70s of the century before last. Currently belongs to the Catalan brewing company Damm.

The contrasting red and white color palette has been used for this beer since 1997. The same applies to the italic text, which denotes the company name in the logo. In 1999 a star with curved rays appeared on the logo. It is located on the first three letters of the company name. This visual device looks like an embrace. In principle, it’s logical enough, given the company’s niche. Sitting down with friends or relatives with a glass of beer is associated with a good friendly atmosphere.

If we go back to the color scheme of the emblem, it looks very confident. The combination of white and red looks contrasting and stylish. It associates with passion, strength, and success. By the way, the updated version of the logo, which was developed in 1999, marked the company’s transition into the new millennium. In principle, it is quite a powerful move – to show that the company has a solid history and understanding of the future vector.

Chuck Taylor All-Star

Chuck Taylor All Star Logo

This is a famous brand of casual shoes, which Converse produces. Not for nothing; the emblems of the brands are so similar. The model saw the world in the 20s of the last century, soon gaining worldwide fame. Since 2003, it has belonged to another giant known for its quality footwear and apparel, Nike.

The logo, which is bright and memorable, has a huge amount of fame and recognition. Inside the circular frame is the word mark and the graphic symbol.

You can see a blue star in the center of the white circle. And the words denoting the brand are made in two different styles, which creates a very interesting contrast effect. The inscription “Converse All Star” can be seen around the perimeter of the emblem. All capital letters are used for it. This inscription looks exquisite and confident; it effectively decorates the inner part of the emblem. The classic straight font is very appropriate there and the red color.

For the “Chuck Taylor” inscription, which is located on both sides of the star, the font’s handwritten style and blue color are used, which contrasts with the clarity of the “Converse All Star” inscription.

Another stylish detail on the Chuck Taylor All-Star logo is the image of double stitching all around the frame, indicating the high quality of the shoes produced and the attention to all details by the company’s technologists.

Together, everything looks thoughtful and harmonious, and the star as the composition center of the emblem looks appropriate and stylish.


Macys Logo

This company is the world-famous chain of department stores. Its logo is quite simple from a visual point of view, but it has enough recognizability. The logo starts with a big red star. Next comes the company name, depicted using all lower case letters. And instead of an apostrophe, a small black star is used. It looks very original and creates a stylish contrast to the red star used at the beginning of the logo.

Another detail worth highlighting is the font used for the logo. It is very thin, but it was not always this way. This stylistic solution was part of a successful redesign of the logo. By the way, if you trace the history of the logo, the font has been thinning since 1978.

The star in the Macy’s logo appeared and disappeared. The first logo was designed in 1920; it wasn’t there at the time. For the first time, the star, which replaced the apostrophe, was used in the logo of 1948. It remained in the 1960 redesign as well. But the logo’s 1970, 1978, and 1982 versions had no star. But in 2004, it returns not only where it was earlier instead of the apostrophe but also finds a place at the beginning of the logo. The current version of the company logo also starts with a big red star.

Bank of India

Bank of India Logo

This government institution also uses a star in its logo. The Bank of India is headquartered in Mumbai. The logo is interesting because of the symbolism used in it. But let’s look at it step by step. The first thing that catches the eye is the large rectangle that serves as the basis for the other elements of the logo. The color of the Bank of India logo is blue. It is saturated but without being overpowering. It looks stylish.

We see the company name written in white letters on this blue background. Considering the grammar requirements, big and small letters will please people who like it when in the brand identity designers follow the norms of literary writing. In today’s trend towards simplification and creating logos consisting of capital letters, such a variant looks quite advantageous. And this technique can also indicate a commitment to tradition. This is a great technique for the bank’s reputation, which should be associated with a reliable institution.

Then, after the name, the five-pointed star, a dark orange hue was used. Now let’s move on to the most interesting part of the logo – the image of the man inside the star. The man is holding a trident, with a lion lying next to him. What is very curious here is how the man’s figure is depicted. It is clear from the composition that he controls the wild animal and leans on its mane with his hand. In the context of the bank’s activities, this technique can indicate that the bank’s management has the necessary resources to manage its position in the market and protect its clients’ investments.


Aardman Logo

This is the name of the famous animation studio, which is famous for many famous animated films, series, and successful examples of advertising with animation elements. It was founded in 1972 in England. Today, its structure has eight divisions, which work in various niches of animation art.

From time to time, analyzing the development of companies’ logos in their dynamics, it is necessary to focus on the trend to simplify the visual elements. Companies are trying to be more understandable and carry the meaning of their logos convincingly. Therefore, the current logo has changed significantly if the first Aardman logo depicted filming equipment with a few stars flying out of it. Only the company name and one star on the upper left side above it have been used.

True, one visual effect sets this logo apart from many others that are also minimalist in style. It’s the raw edge effect. It looks as if the logo is in motion. This pretty much reflects the drive with which the animation studio works, releasing new works designed to delight the viewer.

Captain America

Captain America Logo

If earlier we were talking about real-life companies, now let’s dwell on the famous comic book character from Marvel Comics. For the first time, this character appeared in the ’40s of the last century, over the development of his image worked writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby.

The main artifact that is associated with this character is his shield. The unbreakable shield, which serves as the hero’s main weapon, can to some extent be considered his logo. Inside the shield is a silver star located on a blue background. In principle, the blue background for the star is natural. Next, the disk is decorated with stripes running around the perimeter. Closer to the center and the edge are red stripes with a glow, and between them is a band in metallic color.

Overall, the palette of the Captain America logo bears a resemblance to the colors of the U.S. flag, which makes sense for this character. And now, from the comic book hero brand, let’s move on to the logo of another similar project.

Steven Universe

Steven Universe Logo

This is the name of the American animated series about a boy named Steven, who lives with magical aliens and humanoids. The author of the series was Rebecca Sugar. The logo had several versions, each revolving around the name of the cartoon series’ main character.

The latest redesign of the Steven Universe logo is a multicolored volumetric cartoon name. Since the logo made it into this selection, it also has a star.

The first little star is formed by the illusion of negative space inside the first letter of the word Universe. And the second one is in the logo after Steven’s name. Its style follows that of the font used to represent the name of the animated series.

Coldwell Banker

Coldwell Banker Logo

This company is known as one of the most popular franchises in the U.S. real estate niche. The successful combination of fonts and colors makes the logo convey all the key messages associated with the company’s activities.

It is worth noting that today the offices of this network are represented in 49 states. Therefore, recognizability is very important for it.

The inscription with the company’s name is laid in 2 lines on a rectangular field. By the way, the font was developed specifically for this company to its order. Someone might have thought it excessive, but in practice, such decisions are quite reasonable because the easier it is to recognize the Coldwell Banker logo, among others, the better it stays in people’s memory. A rather soft font was chosen, which could be associated with the company’s loyalty in serving its customers.

It is also important to pay attention to another part of the composition. It is a small square, which is located on the left. It intersects the two capital letters of the words that form the company’s name.

In addition to the word “Banker,” several other details in this logo indicate that the logo belongs to a company that works in the financial field. These are:

Type of logo. Word logos are a fairly popular choice, as practice shows how successfully they work in this niche business. Color Palette. The combination of gradient blue and white colors and the imitation of volumetric elements indicate prestige and seriousness. Blue, in principle, is associated with maturity, seriousness, and responsibility for the result.

Thus, the company successfully conveys to its customers that its brand is reliable, stable, and easy to understand.

Energy Star

Energy Star Logo

This is the name of the U.S. government program, which aims at energy-efficient consumption. The program was launched in the early 90s. Today the program operates in North America and – some Asian countries.

The program’s visual identity is characterized by stability if we talk about it. The appearance of the first logo in 1992, so its key idea has remained unchanged. However, some transformations have taken place concerning the color palette.

The Energy Star logo plays on the company’s name very cleverly. The italicized word ‘Energy’ is followed by the image of a star. An elegant arch covers this part of the composition. In the previous version of the logo, all these elements were made in black and placed on a white background. The subsequent redesign slightly changed the look of the logo. The composition, made in white, is placed on a blue background. This made it fresher and brighter.

Toys “R” Us

Toys R Us Logo

Toys “R” Us is famous for its vibrant logo, fully representing what the company does. The company’s line of business is the toy industry. It was founded back in 1948 and had a different name. The current name appeared in 1957, and the star on the logo appeared in 1998.

The logo is very interesting and fun. It looks attractive and friendly.

Also, the Toys “R” Us logo has an interesting history of its transformations. While previously the “R” was placed inside a star, now, on the contrary, the white star is inside a blue letter. This stylization turned it into a functional detail that occupies the space inside the letter.

Such was the selection of interesting logos in which the star is used. And despite the similarity in some details, they are all different and convey the specifics of their companies.

DC Shoes

DC Shoes Logo

DC Shoes is a company founded in 1994 and owned by Boardriders, Inc. Despite its name, it produces not only shoes but also various accessories, hats, bags, and clothes. Her badge is known for being similar to the Chanel symbol, only here, the “D” and “C” are combined. The “D” is missing a fragment of the vertical stripe, and a seven-pointed star is depicted in the gap between the two ends of the “C.”

Air Force

Air Force Logo

The United States Air Force is part of the U.S. Armed Forces. The star in the USAF logo is formed by the negative space between the blue stripes representing the bird’s wings and tail. And at the bottom, the name of the armed forces is written in the same blue color.

Houston Astros

Houston Astros Logo

The Houston Astros are a professional baseball team that has been playing in the American League since 2013. It appeared in 1962 as a National League franchise. The large five-pointed star on her logo is a reminder that many space industry facilities are concentrated in the city of Houston. The celestial body serves as the base for the large white “H” and is located inside a blue circle with orange rings.

Star Gold

Star Gold Logo

Star Gold is one of the largest TV channels in India, which entertains the audience with Bollywood blockbusters. Its logo has featured a five-pointed star for many years, but it only became red, white, and blue in 2020. The use of different shades makes the design three-dimensional.

Matchstick Alliance

Matchstick Alliance Logo

The Matchstick Alliance provides branding, marketing, financial forecasting, and legal advice to Wichita entrepreneurs. The match in its name symbolizes the idea that it should catch fire. It is also reflected in the logo, where it is an integral part of the gray five-pointed star.


Starter Logo

The American company Starter began by making uniforms for varsity sports teams. It now produces a wide range of casual wear and is owned by the Iconix Brand Group. The designers played with the Starter name in the logo, depicting a white star that fits into the deepening of the black letter “S” on the right side.

Western Star

Western Star Logo

Western Star is the flagship brand of the American company Western Star Trucks. Heavy trucks, including mainline tractors, are produced under this brand. The creators of the logo introduced a red five-pointed star in the center of a large “W” in dark emerald color. Both elements are outlined in silver gradient outlines.

Dallas Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys Logo

The Dallas Cowboys are a football team based in Arlington. There is nothing superfluous on its logo, not even inscriptions. There is only a dark blue five-pointed star, which is circled with a double outline.

Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Mavericks Logo

The Dallas Mavericks basketball club has existed since 1980 and plays in the Western Conference (NBA). Its name is often shortened to Mavs, but the full version is reflected in the badge. The two words are separated by an image of a horse’s head against a blue basketball, and underneath is a small white star.

Dallas Stars

Dallas Stars Logo

The Dallas Stars hockey club was formerly known as the Minnesota North Stars. He moved to Dallas in 1993 and has since won several cups and championships. In its logo, a white and gray “D” is located against the background of a five-pointed star of the same color, while the center of the letter is black. Because of this design, it seems like the designers depicted a “D” with sharp spikes.

Star Studios

Star Studios Logo

Star Studios is an Indian film company formerly known as Fox Star Studios and was a joint venture between Disney Star Private Limited and 20th Century Fox. It is expected that her logo was not without a star. This graphic element replaces the letter “A” in the word “STAR,” illuminated from both sides by spotlights.


Star+ Logo

Star+ is a Latin American service for viewing media content from Disney subsidiaries in the form of video streaming. In his logo, the star also replaces the letter “A,” only here it is pink-orange with a gradient. All other glyphs are capitalized, bold, and dark blue.

Star Life

Star Life Logo

Star Life is a TV channel originally from Latin America. Its logo looks the same as Star+’s, except here, the “+” is missing from the first line, and the reduced word “LIFE” is on the second line. Both the letters and the star that replaces “A” have a purple hue.

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本文关键词:最著名的带星号的logo,最著名的带星号的logo寓意,Most Famous Logos with a Star


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