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USA Motorcycles Brands






Indian Logo


这个品牌的摩托车在其 logo上保留了很长时间的传统。她反映了品牌的精神和风格,确认了名称本身。一个戴着民族头饰、骄傲而勇敢的印第安人头像的剪影,下面刻着名字和解释,是该品牌的视觉识别。她的形象尽可能完整、准确地描述了摩托车本身的特征——在性能上同样自豪、勇敢和美丽。但根据现代趋势,今天只有文字-印度,用手工字体制作,其下的题字-摩托车是用小写字母书写的,仍保留在 logo中。


Harley-Davidson Logo


形成品牌形象的强大力量的一个特征是它的名字。第一个 logo出现在1909年。它经历了许多变化。今天,该品牌在不同系列的新车型上使用了哈雷戴维森 logo的几种变体,包括1922年的主 logo"杠"和"盾"的轮廓。在黑白之后,他获得了橙色,使这些颜色成为图像元素不可分割的一部分。顶部是发动机字样,底部是自行车。在中间的盘子上——名字是小写的。形状的轮廓和盾上的铭文是橙色的,名字是白色的。配色方案反映了品牌的精神和本质。橙色象征能量,黑色代表优雅,白色创造对比,使图形更容易阅读和记忆。


Buell Logo

美国摩托车品牌比尔摩托车是一家相当年轻的公司。前哈雷戴维森工程师埃里克比尔(埃里克比尔)于1983年在美国威斯康辛州东特洛伊创立了这家公司,并以他的名字命名。该品牌在其组装的摩托车RW750上首次举办了美国医学协会(American Medical Association)一级方程式锦标赛。然后基于哈雷戴维森动力装置开始生产运动街道摩托车。后者在1993年赎回了该品牌49%的股份。但早在1998年,哈雷就成为了完全的所有者。2009年,布尔线不复存在。

2009年采用的 logo是飞马头部和翅膀轮廓的传统图像。在一匹马的图像下,用小写字母写着品牌的名字,这个图形组合位于一个黑色的盾牌上。它的边缘,文字和马都是银灰色的。 logo的主要任务是有效地传达品牌的一个重要特征——运动、速度,这是比尔摩托车公司所有运动车型的典型特征。这就是展开翅膀的飞马,名字的右坡所象征的。此外,飞马是这种感知的强化符号,创造了对双倍速度和加速度的理解。


Victory Logo


最后一个胜利摩托车的 logo是重音字母“V”——品牌名称的第一个单词。它是红色的,是人们关注的焦点。全名印在字母盘上,用黑色小写字母在银灰色背景上跨过"腿"。在下面的一条黑色条纹上,用灰色小字写着"摩托车"。主 logo有一个三维的形状。它的边缘也是银灰色的。美国这个词用小字刻在V形尖上。这个版本是所有版本中最成功、最难忘、最简洁的。

Zero Logo


品牌 logo反映了名称的精髓。该 logo由两个符号组合而成的 logo表示,即字母Z和0。后者是名称的数值。原来的联系是内接在数字Z中的,其中字母的上下端是数值的对应元素。字母的对角线穿过"零"的自由空间,同时象征着道路的曲折或放电的表现。在 logo的右边,有一个用黑色小写大字体写的名字,下面用一个更小的字体写着摩托车两个字。文本与字符高度对齐。


West Coast Choppers Logo

杰西詹姆斯于1992-93年在美国加利福尼亚州的派拉蒙成立了西海岸直升机公司(基督教协进会).Daytec和皮带传动有限公司生产所有重要的摩托车部件。该产品的主要"优点"是摩托车风格和 logo的原始设计,这可以追溯到其视觉表现为铁或马耳他十字架的图腾。独特、专属的砍刀和带有 logo的 logo性服装是小规模生产的基础,如今只有大约200辆由许多世界名人拥有的定制自行车。

该品牌反映了其精神承诺的"跨历史"的订单和奖励,反映了力量和勇气的业主在其 logo。该品牌的 logo完全重复了马耳他骑士团徽章中的铁十字轮廓,并对其进行了个性化改进。从上到下,穿过十字架的整个内部空间,有一个铭文——西海岸。品牌名称的第三个字斩波器,是用哥特字体从左到右执行的。十字架的轮廓和文字是黑色的。


Motus Logo


Motus摩托车 logo是现代设计的变体,包括一个徽章,呼应了运动自行车的前整流罩轮廓。左右翼子板和徽章右侧的名称文字为浅灰色,象征性地与原装自行车的金属色相关。红色强调了整流罩的中心部分。标题小写字体的右倾斜提供了视觉上的速度感。


Lightning Logo


该品牌的 logo是一个图形,同时,类似于现代自行车的盾牌或整流罩的形状。该 logo采用灰黑色渐变颜色,配以灰色镶边,包含一个由延伸至远处的道路标记图像组成的中央强调组,两侧由象征性的闪电图像界定。黄色的,能有效吸引注意力。构图上方是品牌名称的白灰色题字。在它们上面,创造了整个构图的视觉完整性,一个风格化的黄色方向 logo被制作出来,重复了盾牌上部轮廓的形状。


Alta Logo


该品牌的两个型号-红移施虐受虐狂和红移麦克斯韦(maxwell磁通量单位)中性(Middlesex)有一个明亮而醒目的 logo,采用亮黄色,简洁而简单。这是公司名称的文本,是确保产品识别的图形设计。这个名字的所有字母都是小写字母,向右倾斜,象征着运动和速度。前两个亚伯达字母下方是一条宽条纹,其倾斜的左边缘延伸出a .在条纹的右边缘,第二个单词“马达”以较小的字体书写,结束于第一个单词的右边界。


Rokon Logo


该公司视觉识别的最新发展确保了一个新 logo的创建,它遵循现代趋势,以简单和简洁为特征。品牌的名称被选为 logo,其字体被设计为品牌特征可视化的主要元素。首先,这是由字母的对称性促成的,整个文本中心的白色条纹很好地强调了这一点。为了确保视觉记忆,所有字母都用橙色标出。但是形成个人风格的最重要的因素恰恰是对称。两个字母“哦”就像两个轮子,承载着主要的视觉负荷,"承载着"整个构图。


Confederate Logo


根据设定的任务和选择的现代技术风格,该公司开发了相应的 logo。 logo的现代和原创设计有效地反映了品牌产品的特点。 logo是由公司名称组成的文字图形。"邦联"一词以技术风格的大写字母书写,传达了该品牌摩托车设计特点的视觉信息。它向右倾斜是视觉上传达运动感和速度感的一种常见方式。字母之间的联系象征着制造商和客户之间从订单形成到交付给所有者的密切关系。下划线强调第一个词,而线下的摩托车一词的直接小写字母更容易理解 logo的本质,补充了所需视觉印象的创建。


Alligator Logo


除了其独特的外观,鳄鱼还因其 logo而与众不同, logo代表了一个盾牌的形象,其内部填充了黑色。在盾牌的顶部是一条蓝色的条纹,颜色是美国国旗的五颗白星。在它下面,重复盾牌的轮廓,模仿国旗的红色条纹,有三个字母——AAR .现代版的鳄鱼皮在油箱上使用了更新的文字 logo,在顶部刻上“丹格尼”(开发者的名字)。下面是手写字体的品牌铭文,是制造商刻字的副本。因此,新 logo向工程天才和品牌历史致敬。


Arch Motorcycle Logo



nema” brand can be easily recognized by its emblem, represented by the brand name and graphic icon. The latter is presented in a silhouette of a racer leaning to the side while cornering against the background of a gray arch and a highlighted stylized image of a Kickstarter. To the right of the sign, on a wide red plate, the left edge of which repeats the bends of the sign, the brand name – Arch is applied in white lower case. The height of the plate is aligned with the height of the sign. Under them, along the entire length, there is the phrase – Motorcycle Company, the second part of the company name.


ATK Logo

In 1980, ATK began its activities in the USA, founded by the gold medalist of the Grand Prix Horst Leitner, who moved from Austria to the US that year. After receiving its first order and funding from the Austrian Puch in 1985, Leitner named the company after the device patented that year – ATK, and began producing its first motorcycle. After its departure, the customer’s dealer network redeemed the 1987 Can-Am models, which provided ATK with direct orders and funding across North American. In the early 2000s, the company added ATV production and expanded by purchasing smaller bankrupt firms and merging with a Korean manufacturer.

After their first release, ATK motorcycles, which are distinguished by high reliability, safety, and interesting design, became the owners of the emblem, recognizable to all. Simple and laconic, meeting modern requirements, the emblem was an oval, in the free space of which the name of the brand was inscribed in lowercase letters with a traditional right slant. To increase recognition and ease of memorization, each letter had its color – red, white, and dark purple. At the same time, in various versions, the logo meets both the white letter T and its black counterpart.

Boss Hoss

Boss Hoss Logo

Boss Hoss of Dyersburg, Tennessee (USA) was distinguished by models with multi-cylinder and multi-displacement engines among American motorcycle manufacturers. The motorcycles were distinguished by their large size and visual sense of power and strength. The creator of the Monte Varna company created his first model in 1990 by installing a Muscle car engine in a motorcycle frame. After the appropriate processing, the technique received the recognition of motorcycle enthusiasts. At the moment, Boss Hoss has 20 model lines of such monsters and a trike to its credit. The brand’s production is exclusive.

Brand recognition is not only due to the unique shape of its motorcycles. Due to its laconicism and simplicity of execution, the modern emblem also makes it easy to remember and recognize any series of the manufacturer. A small rectangular nameplate attached to the body of the motorcycle carries only the name of the company, made with the traditional right-angle lowercase script in a gradient steel gray color. The letters rest on a stylized plinth with the inscription Motorcycles in small print. The emblem creates the impression of massiveness and, at the same time, reliability, which is characteristic of all products of the motorcycle brand.

Cleveland CycleWerks

Cleveland CycleWerks Logo

Cleveland CycleWerks is a privately held small motorcycle company that designs and manufactures from Cleveland, Ohio. Its production collection is represented by cafe racers, bobbers, and retro-style motor vehicles. Founded in Scott Colosimo, Jarrod Strang, and Curtis Ray in 2009, the company was faced with local sourcing manufacturers for the required parts at reasonable prices. Only after the conclusion of contracts with manufacturers in China. Inexpensive, easy to repair, adjust and maintain, stylish motorcycles of the brand have become in demand among non-professionals.

The company’s logo represents some adherence to the emblems of classic European brands. The image of the shield in the background with a black and white outline and “lemon” filling of the interior space and the stylized image of the silhouette of an eagle with outstretched wings in front of the shield confirm this. Such elements symbolize a guarantee of protection and safety of equipment, as well as the opportunity to get the feeling of flight from using high-quality equipment from a proud brand. The interior of the eagle is made in white or black and is filled with the brand name. The tail area is occupied by the date of foundation of the brand – 2009. The name is made in lower case letters like Amboy Black by Parkinson.


Curtiss Motorcycles Logo

Curtiss Motorcycles is the new name of the established Confederate luxury motorcycle brand. The change in the direction of activity – the transition to the production of exotic street electric motorcycles was the reason for the renaming of the brand, which Matt Chambers – the founder, announced in 2017. Together with Zero Motorcycles, the re-born, but under the new name Curtiss Motorcycles, the company planned to begin producing the Hercules model at the companion’s production facilities. The new name is a tribute to the memory of the pilot and motorcyclist Glenn Curtiss.

The new company logo consists only of the graphically processed text of the company name. The lowercase font Automatic by Font Diner was chosen as a basis. Its graphics most closely reflect the spirit and principles of the company’s new strategy and corporate identity. All letters have acquired the smooth roundness characteristic of the wheels and the general symmetry. The last two rounded letters, “SS,” ensured a harmonious combination with the first “C,” creating a visual unity of the entire composition. Their diagonals evoke the original design of the brand’s motorcycle wheels, adding a modern “techno” effect.


Fischer Logo

The most important new American motorcycle of 2006, the MRX 650, named by Motorcyclist magazine, was manufactured by Fischer Motor Company. The sports bike company founded by Daniel Fischer, a famous motorcycle racer in the 90s of the last century in Maryland, became the basis for his developments. He created a subsidiary design company EADS (Airbus), and invited Harley-Davidson and Michael Jordan Motorsports as contractors. Components were ordered from US sites. Fischer’s working concept was to provide adjustment and refinement of existing designs. In 2012, the strategy was revised, and production was halted.

The brand formed its logo on the reflection of the company’s name, the name of its founder. The sign in the form of two letters, “F,” facing “back” to each other, created a visual perception of the shape of the motorcycle fairing. Made in two corporate colors – blue and red, they have evenly executed bevels of their edges towards the center, forming an acute lower corner, providing the required perception of the composition as a fairing. Depending on where it was placed, the emblem could have a yellow line in the background and the brand name text under the brand, in black, slanted lowercase.


Janus Motorcycles Logo

2012 was the year of the emergence of a new motorcycle manufacturer in the USA, Indiana, combining the achievements of modern technology and the style of the twenties of the last century. It became the Janus Motorcycles brand, which created the Halcyon 50 moped, the serial production of which began in 2013. The founders of the company, Devin Biek, and Richard Worsham, who are admirers of vintage motorcycles, decided to create a unique symbiosis of the past and the present. Devin Biek owns a tuning company, which allowed him to apply his experience in a new direction. The neoclassical variant turned out to be promising. He interested not only collectors and retro lovers.

The company’s emblem is a sign in the form of two letters “J,” the first letter of the name, turned “backs” to each other. They create a visual form in the form of “M” – the symbol of the type of equipment produced. This group is framed by a laurel wreath, symbolizing the greatness of the strategy and the victoriousness of the realized idea. To the right of the sign – the text of the name, executed in large print, under which the inscription of the word Motorcycles is smaller, located above the line dividing it from the even smaller inscription – GOSHEN INDIANA. All symbols are made in a single monochrome color design. Depending on the placement of the logo, its composition can be black or white.


MotoCzysz Logo

In 2009, professional American motorcycle racer and engineer Michael Czysz founded a zero-emission racing car company. The company was located in Portland, Oregon, and became the bearer of the founder’s name – MotoCzysz. In the same year, she teamed up with Bajaj Auto to create eco-friendly motorcycles, supposedly hybrid ones. Joining the Remy Electric Motors LLC association allowed the development and creation of an electric drive for ATVs. In 2013, the TT Zero Race electric motorcycle in this season’s TT races, driven by Michael Rutter, became the winner.

Like the technique itself, its emblem is distinguished by originality and impeccable design. The rounded rectangle in black and white has been finished in black. The number 1 is painted in white in its interior – a tribute to the prototype C1 engine and the first electric motorcycle – the E1pc. At the same time, the figure indicates both leaders in the production of this type of equipment and a demonstration of constant success. A white stripe extends from the figure to the right, breaking the rectangle. It is a symbol of the lifting of restrictions, the presence of a direct path in achieving the goal from the deadlock situation of using technologies harmful to the environment.


MTT Logo

Marine Turbine Technologies (MTT) is an American company that went down in the history of national bridge-building with the development of a unique motorcycle model – the Y2K Turbine Superbike. The Franklin, LA facility develops turbines for sea and river vessels and fire extinguishing systems. Based on their developments, the brand has created a bike equipped with a gas turbine engine. The technique has not received mass production and is assembled to order by hand for a specific application. Models with turbojet and turboshaft engines represent the products. An important feature of such engines is operating on various types of fuel – jet, kerosene, gasoline, diesel, biofuel.

The brand has chosen a combined version for its emblem – a partial implementation of the emblem of the main production and a new branch. The logo is an abbreviation of the name – MTT, typed in lower case letters with a slant to the right and made in a bright scarlet attractive color. It is made against the background of a wheel, the core of which can be perceived both as spokes and as turbine blades. The edging of the entire badge is in bright yellow, and the wheel cover is in a gradient blue. The wheel’s shape demonstrates the moment of movement at high speed, which is facilitated by the change in circumference to the shape of an oval with a right tilt.

US Highland

US Highland Logo

Oklahoma is the birthplace of the American motorcycle brand, US Highland. Its founder, Mats Malmberg, died in 2010 in a plane crash with the other two leaders. After that, the company was reoriented to a holding company managed by UHLN (OTCBB) (US Highlands Inc). The main products of the brand were motorcycles made according to individual customer specifications. The products were modular prefabricated units. The plans were to create a dealer network and the production of electric motorcycles, the engine in which was to be installed in the front wheel hub.

For its emblem, the brand chose the original design of the sign in the form of an inverted shield inscribed in an inverted equilateral triangle. The basis was only the contours of the figures connected at the intersection and made in white. The inner space of the resulting single figure is made in black. In its central part, following the shape of the shield, yellow contours were created, creating the visual impression of a motorcycle fairing, in the center of which a stylized arrow was made in red. To the right and left of the sign, a yellow ribbon was depicted symmetrically, symbolizing the zigzag of the road. Almost centered in the foreground is the brand name, US Highland, in white.

Z Electric Vehicles

Z Electric Vehicles Logo

One of the leading green vehicle manufacturers is the Z Electric Vehicle Corporation (ZEV) of Morgantown, West Virginia. Its electric scooter products are assembled in the US and China. Manufacturing facilities are located in the US, Australia, and Vietnam. Today, among the mass-produced electric mobile equipment of a small class, ZEV scooters stand out as the fastest and most powerful. A large power reserve distinguishes them. Founded in 2006 by Darus Zehrbach Jr. Today, the brand has 19 model lines of electric scooters and prepared a line of electric sports motorcycles – MS.

The company logo demonstrates the effective application of modern technology, creativity, and a deep understanding of current features. The logo is simple and concise. Its accent element is the abbreviation – ZEV, applied in lower case with the strict alignment of spaces between letters, ensuring optimal visual perception of the text, its readability, and ease of memorization. The clarity of each letter, executed in a single color, makes it well perceived both on the surface of the motorcycle and on the printed matter or digital media. To the right of the title, a text focuses on an important feature of scooters – ELECTRIC. The small print aligned at the lower level with the main one does not interfere with the perception of the logo as a single harmoniously created composition.

What motorbikes are made in the USA?

Dozens, if not hundreds, of motorcycles are produced in the United States, and not all are American. Such brands include Harley-Davidson, Indian, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Arcimoto, ARCH Motorcycles, Boss Hoss, Curtiss Motorcycles, Lightning Motorcycles, Zero Motorcycles, and others.

What is the most popular motorcycle brand in America?

According to statistics for 2021, the largest share of the motorcycle market in the United States belongs to the Harley-Davidson brand. In second place is the Japanese Honda, in third – Yamaha, in fourth – Kawasaki.

Which bikes are mostly used in the USA?

Most Americans prefer Harley-Davidson motorcycles. It is a two-wheeled vehicle manufacturer based in Milwaukee.

How many motorcycle manufacturers are in the US?

There are several dozen motorcycle manufacturing companies in the United States, both large enterprises that produce production models and small custom-made workshops.

该文《USA Motorcycles Brands》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:美国摩托车品牌美国摩托车品牌USA Motorcycles Brands


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