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Car brands that start with S


logo Saab

SAAB是一家大型瑞典公司,2016年前它有一家制造汽车的子公司106 . SAAB汽车主要是小型车或家庭用车。也有一些豪华和跑车,但他们是少数。尽管官方标志只是用灰色书写的《SAAB》一词,但他们的 logo是一个更为著名的形象。它描绘了一个蓝色的圆圈,下面用白色写着公司的名字,中间是一个狮鹫的头。最后一个大部分是红色的,除了它上面的金色皇冠。


logo Scania斯卡尼亚是瑞典最大的汽车品牌之一。在很大程度上,他们制造卡车和公共汽车。在这两种情况下,它意味着重型车型:长卡车和大客车。他们的标志描绘了一个头顶银冠的狮鹫头。它被放在一个蓝色的图形里面,这个图形把一个圆形和一个齿轮状的形状结合在一起,放在同一个地方“斯堪尼亚”这个词通常用蓝色大字写在旁边。


logo Seat



logo koda



logo Subaru



logo Smart



logo Suzuki铃木是日本最大的汽车生产商之一。他们的车型大多是掀背车、跨界车或者kei车(是日本特有的微型车)。除此之外,铃木也非常喜欢摩托车。经典的公司标志是一个大字母“S”,像日本字形。它本质上是一幅图像,使用光滑的圆形结合锐利的直笔画。颜色通常是红色,但它可以是金属灰色的汽车徽章或黑色。


logo SsangYong

双龙是韩国的一家主要汽车制造商。目前,制造商专注于跨界车,外加少量多功能车。从历史上看,该公司一直以其豪华高管车型而闻名。 logo从一个圆形开始,两个相同的图像在底部附近连接成一个菱形的延伸。这看起来像两个镜像的尾巴或翅膀,但该公司坚持认为它们是双胞胎龙。颜色通常是黑色的。


logo SAIC



logo Wills Sainte Claire



logo SAIPA

塞帕是伊朗一家大型汽车制造商。该公司自60年代以来一直很活跃,但只有几辆赛帕设计的汽车。他们的大部分产品是为伊朗市场组装的美国、法国和日本汽车。该 logo显示一个三向线交叉点。沿着每个边缘,还有一个双线组合,中间有一个转弯,模仿中心图像。颜色是金属灰色。


logo Saker



logo Saleen



logo Salmson



logo San Storm



logo Santa Matilde

圣马蒂尔德是一款巴西跑车,生产于上个世纪的后几十年。这款车有很多变化,但它们通常是小型运动车型,有两个门和6缸发动机。直到1997年,总共发行了五个主要世代。他们的徽章看起来像底部弯曲的直立三角形。在它们中,两个字母" S "和" M "被安装并倾斜以适应侧面的曲率。结果,它们越靠近顶部越窄。


logo Saturn



logo Saxon

萨克森汽车公司是指20世纪10-20年代的美国汽车品牌。它生产了几款汽车,是那个时代的典型产品。他们的主要特点是,他们是高性能的汽车,在大多数情况下,4缸和6缸发动机。 logo呈菱形,金属框架和蓝色内部。另外两个元素是"撒克逊"这个名字,贴在菱形前面,靠近它的顶部。字体是一组白色的大衬线字体。另一个是日耳曼酋长的头,占据了菱形的大部分,并且是红色的。


logo Sbarro

斯巴罗是一个汽车制造项目,由瑞士工程师f .斯巴罗于70年代发起。这基本上是一家定制汽车店,生产老式汽车的复制品,并为富有的客户开发一次性产品100 . s barro的项目总是独一无二的,奇特的,主要是强大的。这家企业的标志使用了一个跳跃的灰狗的剪影。全黑,通常画在名字文字标记附近。后者使用平滑无衬线字体的方形比例字母。


logo Scavas



logo Scion



logo Scott


logo Scripps-Booth

斯克里普斯-布斯是20世纪10-20年代底特律(美国)众多汽车制造商之一。他们制造了四种不同的汽车模型,每一种都是旅行模型。这意味着它们是高性能的V8引擎汽车,在当时拥有极高的最高速度。他们的 logo是一个粉红色的圆圈,分为边缘部分和中心部分。前者是他们放置公司名称和位置的地方。这些是用勃艮第衬线字体写的。中间被两个鲜红的字母" S "和" B "占据了。


logo Seoudi Group



logo Setra



logo SG Automotive Group



logo Shaanxi Automobile Group

陕西公司制造卡车和公共汽车。这是一家中国制造商,成立于60年代。车型花名册包括中型卡车和过境巴士。 logo是一个内部有一个字母" S "的圆环。它通过从顶端到环的细线与框架相连。这封信本身的风格是一种野兽派——它基本上是两个有标题的矩形缝合在一起。颜色是海军蓝。


logo Shamrock



logo Shanghai Maple Guorun



logo Sheffield-Simplex



logo Shelby

谢尔比美国公司是美国著名的跑车制造商。他们从60年代就开始了,他们的大部分产品都是小而强劲的跑车。例如,这包括著名的谢尔比眼镜蛇。该公司本身的标志是"谢尔比"这个词,再往下一点是"美国公司"(小写)。这些题字被放在一个由两条蓝色线组成的矩形框架内,意在模拟竞赛跋涉。在左边,框架的大块变成了大字母S .


logo Holden



logo Shuanghuan Auto

双环汽车在2016年解散之前一直是中国汽车品牌。产品线主要由运动型多功能车和越野车组成。这些汽车中有些是仿制德国和日本品牌的。他们的标志描绘了一个中间有一条细线的金属环。它被排列成看起来像字母" S "的形状,除了一个非常矮胖和歪斜的字母。它的尖端是细长的,与正方形的前侧相连。


logo Siam


ul, and it was shut down. Their current logo is just the word ‘Siam’, written in bold black letters. The cars they produced were all badged by the little skewed ‘S’ letters. These looked like 5 short lines, jammed together in a square space.


logo Siata

Siata was an Italian car manufacturer, active from 1926 until 1970. Besides building several models of small sports cars, Siata also modified several models of other brands. That mostly means Fiat cars, some also of sporting variety. The Siata emblem is a long, narrow shield of mostly dark blue. In its center, there is a bold yellow letter ‘S’ with a small image of a car placed in its middle. It’s colored brown, and the same color is used for the words that spell ‘Siata Torino’ around the letter.

Sichuan Tengzhong

logo Sichuan Tengzhong

Tengzhong is a minor Chinese carmaker. Previously, the company built infrastructure, for the most part. Presently, they develop heavy trucks and tow trucks, as well as some other vehicle types. Their logo looks like four knots of alternating white and red, tied into a single vaguely round image. In its middle, there is a red rhomb with a white center and two grey lines on the sides. That’s likely supposed to mean the engine.


logo Simca

Simca was a French carmaker, known primarily for building compact cars and small sports models. It was founded in 1934 and discontinued by the 70s. The Simca technologies were used even after by Chrysler and companies that were part of Simca subsidiaries all over the world. Their emblem is a wide shield shape, whose two-thirds below are filled with the color pink. The rest is turquoise. On the former, they placed the white, tall letters that made up the company name. The latter just has a white silhouette of a swallow.

Simca do Brasil

logo Simca do Brasil

Simca do Brasil is a Brazilian carmaker, a subsidiary of the French Simca company. Interestingly, this company developed many original models and didn’t just assemble their parent’s existing cars. That included various passenger cars, including compact urban models and larger 4-seaters. Both were consumed by Chrysler in the 60s. This company had the same shield emblem as Simca proper, except the top was yellow, and the rest of the logo was colored dark green. There was also an additional ‘do Brasil’ bit beneath the name.

Simca Vedette

logo Simca Vedette

Simca Vedette was a line of large sedans (for the most part), produced by Simca in the 50s. There were two generations of these cars with many variations, but they were generally always big cars. The car was originally called ‘Ford Vedette’, on account of it being built in a Ford-owned factory. The logo was a combination of two words. The first was ‘Simca’, written in big sans-serif letters. ‘Vedette’ was written right below in cursive, italic letters.


logo Simson

Simson was a German vehicle manufacturer that went bankrupt in 2003. It was originally a producer of arms and ammunitions. Later, the company started making mopeds, motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles. The logo has the words ‘Simson’ written in big cursive letters in the middle of a circle. On this circle, there’s also a red lightning bolt underlining the word. On either side, there is a short wing. The color was golden for most of the logo.


logo Singer Singer was a British car manufacturer until 1970. They were pioneers in the area of compact cars, being among the first to produce small, economic automobile. Besides that, they also built a variety of bicycles and motorcycles. This is reflected on the company’s emblem. It depicts a spoke wheel with a big letter ‘S’ in the center. The colors were usually black and white.

Sisu Auto

logo Sisu

Sisu Auto is a Finnish vehicle manufacturer, operating since the 30s. Their primary focus is on lorries and buses, including some minibuses. Besides that, the company is also a massive supplier of military vehicles. The Sisu logo is a square, divided by into two parts of red and blue. The red is empty, but the blue one contains the word ‘Sisu’, written in white letters. The characters are all capital and use a sans-serif font.

SML Isuzu

logo SML Isuzu

SML Isuzu is a Japanese vehicle manufacturer. They specialize in buses, minibuses, trucks, as well as special utility models. They aren’t owned by the Isuzu, but the latter took part in the foundation of SMLI. The logo is a wordmark of the company that depicts the acronym, written above the word ‘Isuzu’. Both are colored white and both use a smooth, sleek sans-serif font. These are usually placed onto a red background.


Sofia was the first Bulgarian-made sports car. Two versions were made in the 80-90s, but none was really successful. The car was supposed to be a small 2-door sedan with a V4 engine. The doors also opened upwards, a so-called gull-wing structure. These cars didn’t seem to have any finalized emblems, seeing how they were a one-man project. The car’s name was used for most marketing occasions.



SOMACA is a Moroccan car company. Originally, it was owned by Simca, and now by Renault, both French companies. As such, SOMACA mostly assembles Renault cars now, and before that, they assembled Simcas. The logo is just the word ‘SOMACA’, written in tall sans-serif letters. The color is bright red, but it can vary. They don’t seem to have distinct badges, and the cars simply use Renault emblems.


logo Soueast

Soueast is a Chinese company, founded in 1995. Their own brand consists of compact crossovers, sedans and some vans. But they also build Mitsubishi and Dodge vehicles. The Soueast emblem is a red oval with white spots. Inside, they placed a simplistic image of a bird’s head. They simply drew several lines that extended from the frame’s bottom right section.

Southern Cross

logo Southern Cross

Southern Cross was an Australian car, built in the 30s. It was an open touring car with some characteristics of a luxury model. Only a two-digit number of these cars were ever produced. These cars had a badge of an oval shape. Most of the inside was pink, and there were 7-tip stars all over it. The biggest one was on the oval’s left side, while the other 5 variably-sized ones were on the right half.


logo SOVAM

SOVAM is a French company that doesn’t produce cars now, but they used to. In the 60s, the company developed a few prototypes of a compact sports car. It had a sleek design and an 800 cc engine, but wasn’t successful. Their automotive branch used a logo that depicted the company’s name in dark blue letters. They were a normal sans-serif script, but the tips of the ‘V’ in the middle extended into horizontal lines above the rest of the letters. The word ‘Automobiles’ was present right above.


logo SPA

SPA was an Italian carmaker that built high-performance vehicles. The company existed in 1900-20s, and in this time they’ve finalized a small number of sports cars. Some of them are still kept in the museums. The logo was a mere black circle with the letters ‘SPA’ inside. They were white, had a slight serif font and were also mismatched size-wise. In particular, the central letter was much bigger than the rest.


logo SpadaConcept

SpadaConcept is an Italian design studio for cars. It’s a minor company that worked with several European brands. In particular, they created designs for sports cars, motorcycles and even airplanes. The logo is a black circle with a white frame around it. Inside the former, there are two horizontal stripes and the vertical image in the middle that seems to be two mirrored (almost) chisel instruments. The word ‘Spada’ is written in black on the top of the frame.


logo Spectre

Spectre R42 was a supercar model, produced by the British company called Spectre Supersports. This one is considered their most successful product. It had a streamlined design, a V8 and a small sedan composition. The Spectre logo is a polygon shape with a blue core. On it, the company name was written in white in the center. Right above it, a theatric mask was placed, also in white.

Speranza Motors

logo Speranza Motors

Speranza is an Egyptian carmaker, founded in the 80s. It was originally importing and assembling Japanese models. Nowadays, they produce a number of compact cars that are partly based off Japanese vehicles. The Speranza logo is a stylized letter ‘A’ without the central bar. It’s surrounded by an incomplete oval with a lacking top. This emblem is colored a metallic grey.


Spetsteh is a Russian vehicle manufacturer. They specialize in building all-terrain vehicles, some of them on tracks. The majority of them are heavily modified versions of the UAZ cars. The company’s logo is just an emerald-colored square with a letter ‘S’ in the middle. The letter is colored white. The font used there is a pretty basic serif.


logo Springuel


logo Spyker

Spyker was a Dutch carmaker, established in 1880. They were a major producer of Dutch aircraft for some time. But the most prominent of their products were the automobiles they built since the 1900 and until 1926. These were high-performance models, for the most part. The logo depicted a spoke wheel, whose rubber part served as a frame where the company name was placed. In the middle, there was also an airplane propeller that stretched far outside the wheel boundaries.


Squire was a British automotive company of the 1930s. It produced sports cars and components for them. Their cars had a peculiar form factor of coupe bodies. Their single vehicle line was Squire Car – a two seat car, used for races. Only 7 models of this car were made, but these cars got a reputation for exceptional high speed. As the Squire Company didn’t operate for a lot of time, it hadn’t any logotype.


logo SRT

Street Racing Technology was an American engineering group, established in 1989. It was focused on producing vehicles for Jeep, Chrysler and Dodge brands. They also tuned cars, upgrading engines, chassis and other components. Now SRT is absorbed by Dodge. The SRT logotype was just their name on the white background. It was written in a black sans serif typeface.

SSC North America

SSC Logo

SSC North America is an American automotive startup, established in 1998. It is focused on manufacturing sports cars as well as parts for them. Their automobiles are positioned as the fastest and lightest vehicles in the world. The brand logo is the brand name, where the part ‘SSC’ has a sharp gray font. The other part, ‘North America’ inscription, is written in a simple red sans serif typeface. Right side from the name, we can see a checkered blue and white shield. It had a red triangular line in the middle, image of a deer below and handwritten inscription ‘In Veritate Victoria’ above.


logo Standard

Standard was a British company, operating in the first half of 20th century. They specialized in making various cars, including compact cars, racing cars and trucks. They also produced tractors for farmers and off-road vehicles for army. The brand logotype was a circle with the British flag. Above and below, there were two words ‘Standard Converty’. They had a custom white typeface with rounded letters, changing their size from beginning of the words to their endings.


logo Stanley

Stanley was an American vehicle manufacturer, operating from 1902 until its defunct in 1926. They made mostly steam automobiles. Most of them were two-seat automobiles with now doors and roofs. Shortly before its defunct, the company began to make experiments with internal combustion engines, but they didn’t go far. The company logotype was just their name with now background and other special details. It had a handwritten yellow typeface.

Stearns Knight

logo Stearns Knight

Stearns Knight is an American automotive manufacturer. The company existed for the first 30 years of 20th century. They made high-quality luxury cars, most of which were saloons, convertibles and sedans. Their automobiles were made generally on basis of company-made components. The company logotype was inscription ‘The Stearns’, written in a white handy typeface. The inscription was located on the black rectangular background with a white outline.


logo Sterling

Sterling was an American automobile, manufactured in North America between 1987 and 1991. There were various variations of this car, equipped with different components and which had different form factor. Some of them were assembled as sedans, while others had a form of hatchback. The Sterling car line was launched by Austin Rover Company, specializing in producing of compact cars for working class. The Sterling logotype was their name, placed above various blue and green lines.


logo STI

Subaru Tecnica International is a Japanese vehicle company. They make high performance cars branded as Subaru, as well as parts for them. These cars are often used on races and other sports events. The company logo is abbreviation ‘STI’. It has a bold red typeface, executed in contours. The feature of the logo is the letter ‘S’. It has an elongated upper tip, so it intertwines all other letters.


Stephens was an American vehicle company during 1910s-1920s. They manufactured luxury cars. In the list of their products were saloons, sedans and roadsters. These cars were equipped with high performance components, so they quickly got a reputation of top cars. The company didn’t have any logotype. Probably, the company holders just used the brand name in some handwritten font in advertisement blocks in newspapers.


logo Steyr

Steyr was an Austrian automotive company, operating from 1915 to 1926. They focused on designing, production and developing of compact cars. Most of their cars were made on basis of foreign car components, mostly from Germany. Steyr Automotive was a subsidiary of a same-named company, which now specializes in guns and artillery production. The parent’s logotype depicts its name, written in a strong black sans serif font, where all letters are connected. It’s placed right side from the emblem of a sack with the brand name on it.


logo Stoewer

Stoewer was a German automotive manufacturer, founded 1899 and dissolved 1945. They made machines for textile and leather production, as well as bicycles, cars and other vehicles. Most of their vehicle products were supplied to the German army during the First and Second World Wars. The brand logotype was its name, written in a white serif font with custom E and W letters. The name was placed on a blue oval with some white lines. Sometimes, the brand designers also drew a blue circle with a yellow dragon on it. In this case, there was also a shield-like contour, and the oval transformed to a bit circled rectangle.


Strathcarron Sports Cars plc was a British engineering company, operating from 1998 to 2001. It produced high performance sports cars and components for them. Their cars were made of extra-light materials. Due to the powerful engines and turbochargers they could accelerate high speed. The firm produced cars in very limited quantities. It didn’t have any logo as it operated for too little time.


logo Studebaker

Studebaker was an American automotive manufacturer, active between 1852 and 1967. In different times, they worked on wagons, carriages and automobiles. They began to produce automobiles in 1911. These were generally touring cars, roadsters and sedans. Episodically, there were some buses and trucks produced by the company, but it didn’t go far. The company logotype was 50/50 white and red circle, split by wavy S letter. The circle was outlined white and blue.

Studebaker Canada

logo Studebaker Canada

Studebaker Canada was an automotive company, based in Ontario. It was focused on designing, development production of cars and operated during 40s-60s. They made high-quality luxury cars, most of which were convertibles, sedans or cabriolets. During their last years, they also began to import foreign production of foreign companies, mostly Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen. Their logo is a car wheel with a line over it. On the line, we can see the ‘Studebaker’ inscription written in a handy font.


logo Stutz

Stutz was an American engineering company during 1910s-30s. Their production included various cars. Most of them were racing ones, but in the last years before defunct, the company produced luxury roadsters, sedans and convertibles. The vehicles they made were equipped with high performance components and had a serious and distinctive appearance. The Stutz Company logo was their name, written over image of two blue wings. The name and the wings were placed above the circle, on which was the company’s full name.


logo Sunbeam

Sunbeam Company was a vehicle manufacturer in Britain. It produced high-level racing cars, cyclecars and motorcars in the first half of 20th century. During the WWI and WWII, they manufactured trucks and off-road vehicles for army. They also created luxury roadsters and coupe cars, as well as buses, commercial cars, etc. Thir logotype was their name written in an elegant handwritten typeface. It was located in an oval frame, easy to put on the car bodies.


logo Superformance

Superformance is an American car brand, which appeared in the end of the 20th century. The company produces various cars, most of which, however, are models for sports and races. Their cars are made using extra-light materials and equipped with powerful engines. Most of them have a peculiar appearance. The Superformance logotype is a red square with two white lines on it. Below the square, we can see the brand’s black name written in a strong angular typeface.

Swallow Doretti

logo Swallow Doretti

Swallow Doretti is a British sports car, manufactured in 1954-55. It was a two-seat coupe car with a compact body. The car was made of very light materials. Jointly with a four-cylinder engine they allowed the car to accelerate very high speed. There were only about 270 models made. Its manufacturer was Standard Motor Company, existed between 1903 and 1968. Their logo was the British flag with the company name below and above it.


logo Syrena

FSO Syrena was a vehicle, produced in 50s-80s by FSO, a large Polish automotive manufacturer. It was a high quality sedan which had a coupe body. There were several models of the car, produced for 30 years. Syrena could be seen as a pickup, sports car and commercial automobile. The car line also had a logotype. It was a handwritten inscription ‘Syren’, with all letters connected by a bottom line.

该文《Car brands that start with S》来源国外“1000logos”网(https://1000logos.net/),由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。



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