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Best Android Games Logos

近年来,电子游戏开始在现代人的生活中发挥特殊的作用,占据了他们越来越多的空闲时间。在这一波浪潮中,2012年,Google Play虚拟商店创建并推出,结合了所有以前创建的商店,并提供所有现有流派的任何年龄的优惠。今天,它提供了许多选择和视频游戏的类型,其范围在不断扩大,玩具本身正在定稿和改进。在如此拥挤的环境中,做出正确的选择尤其困难。为了确保机器人游戏的吸引力和彼此之间的差异,Google Play商店中明亮、多彩的图标系统被广泛使用。

除了提供选择的功能之外,游戏图标还有助于提高识别速度以及分组和存储的便利性。由于这些原因,每一个现代的开发者对他们产品的独特身份的形成,尤其是图标的关注不亚于对游戏本身的创造过程的关注。你可以通过访问Google Play商店本身,评估用户最常下载的选项数量,并了解他们的首选列表来了解这一点。




Logo Subway Surfers



Logo Candy Crush Saga



Logo Pou



Logo Temple Run 2



Logo Hill Climb Racing



Logo My Talking Tom

今天特别受欢迎的是三维(three dimension的缩写)制作的移动宠物模拟器——我会说话的汤姆。作为备受喜爱的"会说话的汤姆和朋友"系列的第14部,这一版本为其用户提供了一个难忘的日常有趣的冒险。同时,该角色会说话,这从根本上区分了该平台与同类平台,使其独一无二,尤其具有吸引力。支持这个游戏的选择尤其受到一个最灰色的英雄的简单,谦虚微笑的"脸"图标的影响,他有一双锐利的巨大的翡翠色眼睛,淡粉色的耳朵和一个"皮革"鼻子。


Logo Despicable Me



Logo Angry Birds



Logo Fruit Ninja



Logo Clash of Clans


热门游戏Google Play的付费和免费游戏

"顶级"的概念本身就说明了问题——这是该品类中最顶级、最受欢迎和最受欢迎的产品Google Play。在线商店提供的建议选项不仅反映了游戏在用户中的受欢迎程度。这是一种将对用户的选择和偏好非常重要的信息进行分组的方式,有助于根据其他人已经做过的事情做出决定。同时,评级覆盖了所有领域——付费和免费,这往往成为玩家决定是否将注意力转向付费群体的决定性因素。


Logo Fishdom

在休闲个人电脑游戏中,免费游戏渔场引起了游戏玩家的极大兴趣,使其成为Google Play上最受欢迎的游戏之一。它的流派属于"三连"的范畴,游戏性建立在需要用空间的装饰来形成水族箱的内心世界。完工后——完工的水族箱可以用作屏幕保护程序。卡通世界以其丰富多彩的居民和装饰以及奇异的植物世界而闻名。该图标反映了游戏中的一个时刻,在游戏特有的所有明亮的彩色中——追逐一条带条纹的橙黄色捕食者,寻找一条较小的黄色鱼,黑色条纹在深蓝色背景上,随着深度的增加而变暗。


Logo Brawl Stars


3 Roblox

Logo Roblox

罗布乐思是一个免费的多人在线游戏应用程序,它在2006年的出现在游戏世界引起了轰动。这是一个巨大的元宇宙,提供了广泛的流派,玩家可以选择它们。它提供了一个内部构造器,允许用户创建他们的世界、流派和游戏——包括付费和免费的。她在16岁以下的儿童和青少年观众中非常受欢迎。该游戏由一个图标 logo,该图标描绘了一个混凝土方形块,在灰色(从亮到暗)的光栅背景上,中心有一个方形着陆孔,象征着游戏的主要本质——在一个非常令人想起乐高积木设备的世界中使用创意。


Logo Wordle!

一款免费的浏览器类型游戏——沃尔多,吸引了许多文字游戏和填字游戏的爱好者。对于那些习惯于不断训练大脑的人来说,应用程序已经成为一个真正的启示,让你总是有机会在这个平台的几个独特的游戏模式中尝试你的手,展示你的头脑和技能。除了有趣的提议本身,沃尔多以游戏世界的丰富多彩和各种图形解决方案吸引了人们的注意。一个明亮的主题图标,由散布在其空间的拉丁字母的白色字母表示,以圆形和粗体字体制作,有助于在Google Play提供的内容中快速找到它。每个字母都被放在一个圆圈里,圆圈里充满了配色方案中各种愉快色调的柔和色调。中心元素是游戏名称的第一个字母——W,在单词文本编辑器的公司背景上制作。


Logo Minecraft



Logo Grand Theft Auto San Andreas



Logo Coin Master



Logo Pokemon GO

神奇宝贝GO被证明是如此受欢迎,以至于游戏玩家开始失去他们的注意力,甚至在威胁健康和生命的风险增加的地方玩游戏,这导致许多国家决定阻止它。这个免费版本通过成为战斗联盟的一员,打开了一个广泛的机会加入世界各地的在线教练。环游游戏世界有助于你变得更强大,获得大量奖励,并抓住其他神奇宝贝。这款游戏识别 logo的主要元素是口袋球——一种捕捉和储存口袋妖怪的方式。它是圆形的,在中间打开——在拍摄时沿着白色和红色的黑色边界。在房间木质墙壁的背景下,扑克被描绘在戒指的亮蓝色表面上。配色方案还包括浅棕色的企业色。


Logo Gardenscapes

2016年发布的免费游戏园林景观立即以其传统机制的结合吸引了人们的注意,这是连续三个游戏的典型组合。作为一个需要找到有效的解决方案来恢复您的花园的难题,在它的每个角落创造舒适,这个游戏吸引了许多用户的注意,这导致它进入了顶级的Google Play .游戏识别图标代表游戏中的一个瞬间,其中男主角将钥匙交给了花园迷宫中阻挡女主角的锁。它使用了公司的主要颜色——形成迷宫轮廓的灌木丛的鲜绿色,金色

e key and lock, and brown – of the paths. The heroes’ clothes are also made in bright, colorful multicolor, attracting users’ attention and facilitating their visual search.

10 Hay Day

Logo Hay Day

The free-to-play multiplayer game Hay Day by Supercell has entered the list of Top Games in the store. She attracted the attention of those passionate about running their farm and those who like to care for animals. The addition was a fascinating exploration of the valley, harvesting, and the possibility of decorating and arranging the farm itself. Among similar games and on the Google Play leaderboard, it stands out as a cheerful icon with the head of a white rooster with a bright red comb and a yellow beak, set against a blue sky with small clouds and a rural view on the horizon. The cartoonish execution of the bird with its bulging eyes draws attention, which corresponds to the visual performance of the character in the game.

11 Geometry Dash

Logo Geometry Dash

Paid 2D platformer – Geometry Dash was created for iOS/Android and further developed as a gaming PC application. A fascinating arcade game that includes jumping and flying throughout the game plot, overcoming the dangers of this geometric world, has fallen in love with many users. The game icon represents the image of its main character – a light yellow square with a transition to orange, with square turquoise eyes and a rectangular mouth, the contours of which are highlighted with a black border for contrast. There is a round and bold letter R on a yellow background in the upper left corner, reflecting the game’s belonging to the RobTop Games direction. The lower left corner is occupied by the black shape of one of the geometric obstacles – a triangle with a white border. Image elements are made on the main background of the gameplay.

12 Clash Royale

Logo Clash Royale

Another very popular representative of the Clash of Clans universe was Clash Royale, a free RTS game released in 2016 with CCG elements. It was downloaded by more than a million users in the first year. This was facilitated by attractive gameplay based on battles, where it is necessary to carry out the destruction of the enemy’s towers while maintaining their three – two towers of princesses and one royal. This is achieved using a deck with unique cards. The game stands out among the abundance of offers in this genre with a bright and colorful icon representing the faces of warring kings in golden crowns and ribbons in the colors of both sides – bright blue and red in a gradient design. Separated by the lightning symbol, they are located on backgrounds of light shades of blue and red, according to their affiliation.



The appearance of the beloved classic board game MONOPOLY, even in a paid electronic version, immediately attracted the attention of not only fans. Its amazing graphics, original animation, and the ability to play without ads ensured an indescribable pleasure from the game. Thrown dice, justified risk, the desire to get more money, and the ability to invest it correctly – are the main elements of the game gameplay. A unique icon, on which a high-quality character in a black top hat and tuxedo is depicted against a blue field made of squares with light and dark shades, ensures its recognition. The play of shadows creates the impression of volume. In the foreground, at the bottom of the image, on a rectangular plate, is the logo of the game – its name in white sans-serif, lowercase letters, printed on a red gradient background, which makes the sign accent.

14 Bridge Constructor Portal

Logo Bridge Constructor Portal

Paid electronic puzzle and simulator Bridge Constructor Portal occupies a leading position in terms of popularity. The successful hybrid of the classic Portal™ and Bridge Constructor™ proved particularly successful. As a new laboratory employee with portals, the player’s task is to develop and build bridges and ramps, a wide variety of structures, thanks to which the story men quickly and safely reach the finish line with the help of their cars. The colorful design of the application is reflected in the icon’s design. Its concise reflection of the storyline provides an opportunity to get some idea of ​​the gameplay and recognizability. The visualization is a round-shaped bright orange portal that opens, from which little men appear on a forklift with a load and a trailer against a gray gradient background. Silhouettes of black men for clarity of their perception are highlighted with a white outline.

15 World of Tanks Blitz PVP battles

Logo World of Tanks Blitz PVP battles

Online game – World of Tanks Blitz PVP battles belongs to the category of free and is a massively multiplayer strategy and shooter based on the gameplay of World of Tanks. The dynamics and realism of 7×7 PVP battles in the multi-million dollar inform the fans, the possibilities of online play, and various maps, types of vehicles, modes, and strategies – this is World of Tanks Blitz PVP battles. The realism of the world and the detailing of military equipment in full accordance with its design features make the game especially attractive. The developers created an icon depicting a moving tank firing from a laser weapon against a light blue sky with scattered white clouds and snow-capped mountain peaks on the horizon to make it easy and quick to find among the offers. The original camouflage in the form of a red inscription “BOOM!” on the frontal protection and the image of a cartoonish “evil” projectile on the side armor attract special attention.

16 Pubg Mobile


Pubg Mobile (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Mobile) is a shareware online action game of the multiplayer battle royale genre. Being a mobile version of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, it repeats the gameplay of the original game – after airdropping on the island, up to 100 participants start a battle with each other. Options – single or team execution until the last survivor or only one team remaining. Its icon represents a playable character in summer combat gear against a blue sky. In the foreground is the full three-level title of the game. The first part is made on a golden rectangular plate in black letters. The middle part is executed in gold lowercase letters with black shadows, creating volume. The third block is printed in thick gray type on a rectangular plate with a reddish tinge. This design brightly highlights the icon, focusing on the text image.

17 Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

Logo Rise of Kingdoms Lost Crusade

The colorful game world and gameplay of the free strategy Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade attracts with its multi-colored enchantment and scale. Many battles, the possibility of creating a new history for your Viking civilization, raising it from the depths of oblivion to new heights with the help of wars of conquest or the virtue and wisdom of the ruler, traveling to unknown lands, or the desire to help your people – all these are just some of the possible storylines. A characteristic feature is the game’s identification icon. The central place is occupied by the image of a heroic warrior in the original helmet and armor against the background of a light brown letter C – the first letter of the word Crusade.

18 Standoff 2

Logo Standoff 2

A shareware multiplayer action game in the genre of a classic first-person shooter – Standoff 2 is especially loved by gamers. It favorably characterizes the variety of regimes and the filling of a huge arsenal of modern weapons from different countries. Continuing the tradition of the previous version, the game allows you to take action around the world. It features many new maps and updated ones from the first part. To make your choice in favor of Standoff 2, the icon representing the game on the network also offers. The image of a character in a mask with a pistol “naked” on a light blue background immediately catches the eye, making it easy and quick to find it in the electronic game store.

19 Lords Mobile: Tower Defense

Logo Lords Mobile Tower Defense

The free MMO strategy Lords Mobile: Tower Defense has entered the Top of the electronic application store. The application is particularly popular, as evidenced by the official data of 60 million subscribers. The game is characterized by several game modes, including PVP battles. Gameplay provides the need to develop the army and improve your fortress, attack enemy fortifications, capture resources, and the best warriors of the enemy. The visual identifier of the application is represented by an icon depicting the head of an attacking hero wearing a golden winged diadem and an embedded sapphire. The character is equipped with a short sword. The blue gradient background highlights the central figure in contrast. In the lower left corner is the abbreviation of the developer’s name.



Fans of virtual sports games in 2017 were pleased with the appearance of a shareware football simulator – FIFA Mobile, which creates conditions for unprecedented immersion in the exciting atmosphere of the world-favorite game. It provides an opportunity to play each of the 15,000 leading players in the world included in the game base and apply 600 of the most famous teams in the most dynamic gaming events. The voices of legendary sports commentators accompany matches, and the new game engine provides the dynamics of changing the time of day. Players are waiting for realistic tournaments with the real atmosphere of matches in stadiums in the real world and the possibility of creating their form. At the same time, an important feature of visual identification is the dependence of the image on the icon on the one with whom the organization has currently signed a contract for the position of “face of the company.” The icon necessarily uses a photographic version of the face or figure of the selected athlete in an attractive playing position.

21 Township

Logo Township

The free game application – Township, in the genre of casual games, farm, completes the list of the most popular games from the Google Play Market. She offers to try her hand at urban planning and agriculture. The gamer’s task is to build and develop his city, the mayor of which he will be, the construction of factories and harvesting, manufacturing goods based on agricultural products. The player is immersed in a colorful and exciting game world, the search for which is facilitated by the icon presented in the store, made in compliance with the features of game visualization. The main element of the logo is a red-haired heroine in a blue dress, waving merrily from the window of her red truck carrying bottles of milk in blue caps. The car rushes along a golden field of ripened wheat on one side and manicured carrot beds on the other. The emblem provides ease and speed of search in the Google Play Market, is easy to remember, attracting attention.

22 Evertale

Logo Evertale

Another attractive game from the Google Play Market is a paid role-playing adventure – Evertale. A feature of the game is the use of an isometric camera. Its plot is based on the hero’s meeting with real adventurers, which helps him save the territory of Erden from Pandemonium. Many battles with the most terrible monsters, the possibility of joining various guilds, and chatting with other users provide the gamer with many unforgettable minutes. Bright graphics and anime style make the game especially attractive. Her icon represents the head of the main character with big eyes and cute horns with hair secured in two neat side ponytails with bright red beads. She is shown in the process of making a gum bubble against a backdrop of white lettering on a dark green wall.

23 Bloons TD 6

Logo Bloons TD 6

Paid strategy – Bloons TD 6 is featured in the Google Play Market’s Best Games Review as the most downloaded app. It features addictive gameplay and the colorful design of the game world. Little nimble monkeys – the game’s main characters form a strong defense with the right combination. Thanks to the improvement and increase in the level of their abilities, the gamer gets the opportunity to destroy the incoming balls. A large-scale multicolor strategy constantly attracts many players, allowing four users to play simultaneously. Finding it in an electronic game store is very easy, thanks to the logo containing the image of a brown monkey in a green protective helmet with a yellow circle in the center, enthusiastically scribbling from his green-gray machine gun. The character is depicted on a blue background, with light and dark rays radiating from the center. Behind the hero, multi-colored balls fly up, which must be destroyed.

24 Ragdoll Turbo Dismount

Logo Ragdoll Turbo Dismount

Another simulator from the category of free – Ragdoll Turbo Dismount, demonstrates high demand from gamers worldwide. They are attracted to a large number of deadly motorcycle stunts. As a result, the character crashes into walls and breaks his bones while allowing the player to communicate and share his successes with friends. The game uses a unique ragdoll physics system and natural-sounding effects that imitate hits and crunching bones. Add fascination on several levels and the ability to choose different types of motorcycles. The choice to download the app is particularly influenced by the logo representing a broken and bleeding character in a blue T-shirt and shorts soaring over a collapsing black motorcycle. The latter slides down the gray steps and crashes into a brown beam. The composition is made on a light gray background, making it stand out.

25 Zen Match

Logo Zen Match

A colorful and captivating free head, especially loved by the gamer’s fair half, Zen Match has a high download rate, one of the Top Popular Games on the Google Play Market. By playing it, users sharpen their minds, find optimal solutions for solving everyday problems and overcome trials. The multi-level mahjong of tiles with a relaxing effect lets you clear the playing field, decorate your room and find inner peace. The application logo is a colorful picture, the central element of which is a bright red ladybug reclining on the blank pages of a book placed above the peaceful green of the meadow. Below is another book with a pink five-petal flower with a light yellow center. Light white clouds float peacefully over the entire composition in the azure summer sky. The icon exudes peace and tranquility, which the game itself seeks to reward users with.

26 Five Nights at Freddy’s

Logo Five Nights at Freddy's

The list of especially popular games on the Google Play Market includes Five Nights at Freddy’s, a paid action game that is a summer job at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Children come here with their parents seeking to have fun and have a tasty snack. At the same time, food choice is presented in an unlimited space. But the main characters and central characters are robots – Freddy Fazbear with his friends, programmed to create fun and joy for visitors. The gamer appears as a security guard, ensuring order from the inadequate night behavior of robots—a game with subtitles in many languages. The game’s logo is an image of a smiling protagonist, similar to a brown bear with a flashlight in his hand but performed on a gloomy black background.

27 Bingo Blitz – Bingo Games

Logo Bingo Blitz - Bingo Games

Bingo Blitz – Bingo Games from the Google Play online store is included in the list of the best free electronic games that belong to the category of board games. It is full of new emotions that will be experienced by everyone who goes on an unforgettable online adventure along with the games of this cycle. The exciting world of bingo games is full of many tasks and gifts, awards, and souvenirs. The ability to play in a multi-card version increases interest at times. Power-ups and special cards, exciting mini-games, and trips worldwide – all this is the Bingo Blitz multiverse, represented by an attractive and cute cheerful blue cat that greets players on a gradient multi-beam blue background. A yellow-sweater-clad cat sits behind a bright yellow wording called Bingo in the bold, round, cheerful font. Below is the second word with a slight right slope and upward direction. The words are separated by one of the game symbols – a red circle with a black border, in which a white five-pointed star is drawn.

该文《Best Android Games Logos》来源国外logo世界网“logos-world.net”,由翻译软件直译,文章内容责权归属原作者,不代表本站即UCI深圳vi设计公司立场。

本文关键词:最佳安卓游戏logo,最佳安卓游戏logo寓意,Best Android Games Logos


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