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What will the WFT become after the rebranding?


Washington Football Team New Logo

The Washington Football Team recently announced that it is completely changing its look and name. A video surfaced on Twitter that makes fans feel intrigued and anxiously await news from the team.

At first, there was the idea of using the concept of “wolves” in the team’s name. But, as we know, that image is all too common in the sports environment, and the team craves uniqueness and recognition. Trademarks that refer to other teams are also a factor in making it legally difficult to defend the right to use the naming.

However, the color scheme will remain the same –burgundy and gold will be present in the clothing and the media.

Remarkably, the naming issue is in its second year, as the team has been playing without a nickname since July 2020. Due to criticism of its use of a racist nickname and logo about Native Americans, it was necessary to remove the identity elements that were originally there.

FedEx gave an ultimatum and threatened to cancel the contract if the nickname was not changed.

To conclude the campaign, the last match under the old name was organized, and then fans will see the release of the new identity and many interesting games of the team in the new role.

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